Welcome to the Task Management App! This project is a task management application built using the Flutter framework. It follows the principles of Clean Architecture and utilizes the Riverpod state management solution. Additionally, it employs an in-memory mock database to simulate backend operations using Sqflite.
- Add, edit, and delete tasks
- Persistent in-memory data storage using Sqflite
This project is designed following the Clean Architecture principles, which ensure separation of concerns and scalability. The main layers of the architecture are:
- Presentation Layer: Contains the UI code (widgets and screens) and handles user interactions.
- Domain Layer: Contains business logic and domain entities.
- Data Layer: Handles data fetching and manipulation. This includes repositories and data sources (in-memory database in this case).
The application uses Riverpod for state management, which provides a robust and scalable way to manage state across the app.
Sqflite mock database is used to simulate the backend. This allows for testing and development without needing a real database.
For any questions or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or contact me at [email protected].
Happy coding!