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A simple Elasticsearch REST client written in Elixir.

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A DSL-free Elasticsearch client for Elixir.


Even though the documentation is pretty scarce right now, we're working on improving it. If you want to help with that you're definitely welcome 🤗

This README contains most of the information you should need to get started, if you can't find what you're looking for, either look at the tests or file an issue!


Add elastix to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
  [{:elastix, ">= 0.0.0"}]

Then run mix deps.get to fetch the new dependency.


Creating an Elasticsearch index

Elastix.Index.create("https://localhost:9200", "twitter", %{})

Map, Index, Search and Delete

elastic_url = "https://localhost:9200"

data = %{
    user: "kimchy",
    post_date: "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
    message: "trying out Elastix"

mapping = %{
  properties: %{
    user: %{type: "text"},
    post_date: %{type: "date"},
    message: %{type: "text"}

Elastix.Mapping.put(elastic_url, "twitter", "tweet", mapping)
Elastix.Document.index(elastic_url, "twitter", "tweet", "42", data), "twitter", ["tweet"], %{})
Elastix.Document.delete(elastic_url, "twitter", "tweet", "42")

Bulk requests

Bulk requests take as parameter a list of the lines you want to send to the _bulk endpoint.

You can also specify the following options:

  • index the index of the request
  • type the document type of the request. (you can't specify type without specifying index)
  • httpoison_options configuration directly passed to httpoison methods. Same options that can be passed on config file
lines = [
  %{index: %{_id: "1"}},
  %{field: "value1"},
  %{index: %{_id: "2"}},
  %{field: "value2"}
], lines, index: "my_index", type: "my_type", httpoison_options: [timeout: 180_000])

# You can also send raw data:
data =, fn line -> Poison.encode!(line) <> "\n" end)
Elastix.Bulk.post_raw(elastic_url, data, index: "my_index", type: "my_type")


config :elastix,
  shield: true,
  username: "username",
  password: "password",

Poison (or any other JSON library) and HTTPoison