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- Crawl URL from GHDB.
- Let user defined and saved dorks as per severity/category so dorks can be quickly executed to gather intel
- Generate Report and JSON file of extracted urls
- Require python3
f0x.py [-h] [-s SITE] [-q QUERY] [-i] [-A EX_QUERY] [-C CATEGORY] [-S {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}]
[--only] [--upper] [-a] [-Q] [-r PAGE_SIZE] [-t DORK_SIZE] [-T MAX_RESULTS] [-m MIN] [-M MAX]
[-d DELAY] [-p PARALLEL] [-U UA] [-o OUTPUT] [-j] [-R] [--update] [-L] [-v]
$ python3 f0x.py --update
$ python3 f0x.py --L
$ python3 f0x.py -C 'Files_Containing_Juicy_Info' -o /ghdb/juicyfiles -T 60 -v
$ python3 f0x.py -S 9 -o /ghdb/juicyfiles -T 60 -v