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Releases: elmsln/elmsln

1.0.0 - 2020-03-30 - March forward

30 Mar 20:08
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The NARA UX audit on HAX has dramatically improved the initial usability of HAX to new users and now it's enabled by default. We've also got support for cloudfront CDNs thanks to work in HAXcms which have been ported here. This is a nearly 1 million line change between the front end assets and backend removals. HAX is a dramatic improvement (again) and investment in it has improved the accessibility and usability of everything it's involved working on.

This aligns our pipeline for HAXcms and ELMS:LN with the build workflow the core development team utilizes. Meaning that we're able to run 1 build routine and simultaneously support both platforms as well as publishing to npm and other sources to optimize internal workflows. Penn state now has a cloudfront delivered and /cdn which can serve both audiences.


  • API, LOR, HUB, comply and other experimental tools have been removed
  • HAX enabled by default
  • Lots of studio improvements
  • Better cross browser compatibility
  • All assets should load faster on all browsers, CDN agnostic
  • Support for cloudfront
  • 100s of issues not from this repo between HAXcms, lrnwebcomponents and EdTechJoker are incorporated here.

To read about the changes in this release see:
To read about changes to HAXcms included in this release:

0.12.0 - 2019-10-01 - HAX impovements

01 Oct 17:27
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We'll be able to roll updates faster. This sees HAXcms 0.12.0 release aligning with ELMSLN
as we'll continue to do that from now on as best we can. This includes lots of improvements to HAX and the databinding / interplay with Drupal's input filters as well as bug fixes that were reported as part of development in between. There's improvements in the studio around permissions, minor doc updates from students, PHP version compatibility and support for Ubuntu 18 LTS. HAXcms core has been updated as well though its planned to start tests at Headless Drupal as backend toward the end of the year at the earliest. The outlining tools and UX feedback from HAXcms will feed directly into having course outline options built on top of Drupal as a backend, allowing ELMSLN sites to remain in place, yet progressively be upgraded to leverage the latest and greatest of HAXcms in place. HAXcms scope is on singular site / publishing flows so the theme engine and UX improvements in HAXcms can help inform ELMS:LN without there being a conflict in use-case.

To read about the changes in this release see:
To read about changes to HAXcms included in this release:

0.11.0 - Headless by default

02 Aug 19:47
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Over a year in the making, this moves us onto V1 spec webcomponents and increasingly more headless.
HAXcms is now actually included under the hood and it's build routine powers the ELMS:LN universe.
This allows the team to focus on both projects via the same build routine. HAX has seen an incredible
amount of performance, quality, capability, and accuracy enhancements over the last year and is starting
to find its way outside of the ELMS:LN ecosystem with improvements submitted to the UX of the project
worked back in from both front end and other CMS communities.

To read about the changes in this release see:

0.10.0 - #haxtheelms

12 Jul 16:50
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3 years after the idea was expressed, the team finally has build a truly decoupled, transformative authoring experience. After months of development, testing, and talk, action is materialized. We present you with the HAX authoring system baked into ELMS:LN, out of the box, highly performance optimized, with tons of great elements and integrations from day 1. For the moment, there are effectively two editing modes while we engage in deeper, production level testing and broader UX testing of HAX. There's traditional edit mode, and HAX editor which unleashes the power of web components for the masses. #haxtheweb is also bringing together people across multiple platforms to unite on front-end based UX patterns and design assets.

This is a game changer for quality of what can be produced and is the beginning of realization of the web component promise and buy-in from all team members. This release closes 118 issues with HAX being it's own repo that has 131 issues of its own closed towards this release. There is also a massive performance gain over 0.9.0 on page to page and perception of performance as well as resource optimization. Meaning ELMS:LN sends less data, sends it faster, uses what it has more wisely, and lazy loads all dynamic content that's been previously created.

This also positions the team for doing more iterative releases w/ more features as we've adopted an enhanced build routine that is more accountable then previous methods of releasing components. The next push is towards much deserved vacations for the team, gathering UX feedback, and working on a next generation content presentation engine leveraging the skills we've all learned to this point.

To read about the changes in this release see:

0.9.0 - Birth

20 Sep 05:03
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This is the biggest design release of the platform to date. It takes a bold new step into the web components world and the world of one page apps through the creation of our first production Polymer application in the Open Studio. It realizes the paradygm shift away from traditional page transactions to AJAX and web component based application development.

The new studio is in production usage already and is seeing incredibly promising early results from students and faculty using it (over 100 using it currently). This release closes 157 issues, many related to studio and UX bug fixes. The changes pushed in 0.8.1 are also reflected, meaning that we now have a concept of near infinite scale as far as section size during roster synchronization.

This means that no matter how big ELMSLN gets, no matter how many tools it has, no matter how many user accounts you push at it, it will process them all. User page transaction scale is then up to the resources you through behind it. On the topic of scale, this also includes enhancements to the web component page delivery which show 200% gains over previous page delivery (back end gain, front end coming).

There is also support built in for Canvas roster API integration which can pull names and avatars throughout ELMS:LN as well; meaning that student experience is that much more seemless when interfacing with that LMS.

This release is published on September 10th, 2017; marking our first 10 year anniversary. We celebrate our "birthday" as a movement on the date stamp of the first file we created coining "ELMS" and what it was to do. You can read this historical document here:

We celebrate today for tomorrow marks the dawn of a new era.

To read about the changes in this release see:

0.8.1 - Snake it

20 Sep 05:04
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Only #1945 added so that older builds can complete without our design enhancements yet. This was asked for by the community and is not the issue finished but gets this contributed functionality into production systems running 0.8.0 previously.

0.8.0 - Kunitz

26 May 16:43
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This release fixes 53 issues since the last release, with 99 since 0.7.0. This is a the beginning of a paradigm shift for the project with regard to design. The system is starting to take on the UX patterns of Material more directly through the core adoption of Web Component architecture across the entire platform. The theme hasn't been completely replaced but it has had major design overhauls since 0.7.x and is drastically easier to navigate / learn.

We've also started to get the build process down for Polymer / Webcomponent architecture and now have 100s of web components available for usage, many of which have experimental support for HAX. There have been a lot of minor bugs fixed associated with the studio, network wide communications edge cases, and performance improvements related to syncing. Git book based workflows for markdow ingestion have also been drastically improved and are now being utilized in production deploys (at PSU).

There is also experimental support for one-page-apps which will start the process of rapidly improving the UX patterns within different parts of the system both in terms of user experience as well as performance and responsiveness. ELMS:LN will start to feel more like an app unlocking the power of an ecosystem rather then a complex architecture full of "lots of stuff".

A community note attached to this release cycle: ELMS:LN has also been formally accepted into the Apereo Incubation program which is a huge next step for our community!

To read about the changes in this release see:

0.7.0 - Redux

30 Jan 22:01
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This release fixes over 100 issues since the last release (200ish since 0.6.0). Major improvements in stability to Studio which has graduated as the 1st angular2 based system in the network, as well as lots of UX improvements in all levels of the system. Media, Online, and Courses see major improvements in usability as well. All other systems are a lot easier to access and system context is being maintained between systems much better. Multiple demonstrations of this release are starting to make believers of the approach.

0.6.3 - Evergreen

18 Dec 16:32
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This release now adds support for CAS, cleans up multiple minor installation issues with Ubuntu 16, fixes some minor UX issues and enhances the internal ELMSLNJS API for building Angular apps against ELMSLN.

To read about the changes in this release see:

Release 0.6.2 - Dominant

02 Dec 21:55
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Bug fixes beyond 0.6.1. See for full details. This involves accessibility, usability and other edge-case stability improvements.