This document will serve as guidance for attendees and mentors of VMware CodeHouse India 2021.
The goal of the hackathon will be to create an unique model with the project being “Developing and evaluating informatics tools and frameworks to collect, monitor, analyze, summarize, and visualize data on VMware Social Media handles and any technology buzz feed. Social Media Intelligence research requires well-articulated and clearly defined performance measures because much of it must be conducted in application settings with an aim to support decisions”
To make sure you are comfortable with the environment we will be using, please read through the following documents well in advance:
- Get Started with Social Media Intelligence/ Web-intelligence
- Data mining and context awareness for social networks
- Dashboarding and Data Visualization
- NLP for text processing, AI/ML Python Basics, Data Analytics, Data Science
Once you have completed these tasks, make a pull request to this repository with a Markdown file in this format:
I've finished reading through the pre-req docs and ran at least one example AI/ML app on my laptop!