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A simple Windows 10+ Capture API Wrapper for .NET 7 projects.


The static class WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper provides a wrapper to get the available valid windows that can be captured using the Windows 10 Screen Capture API. It will also provide a list of screens.

Get valid window targets: WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.GetAvailableWindowsAsync()

Get valid screens: WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.GetAvailableScreensAsync()

If permission to capture the screen programmatically is denied, these methods will return null.

If the permission check fails, check WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.LastPermissionCheckResult for details.

Starting capture

To start capture, you will need to use the CreateCaptureForX methods in WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper. These methods will create a DisplayCaptureInstance object which takes care of setting up everything needed to capture displays/windows.

When starting capture, you'll need to pass in a FrameHandler. The frame handler is passed a frame when it arrives from the capture session. This frame is a SharpDX DataRectangle. Pointer to the graphics data, the pitch, width, and height are passed to a the FrameHandler via the SendFrame method.

This data is available for CPU access.

You do not need to dispose of any pointers yourself - the DisplayCaptureInstance will take care of that for you. If you wish to do anything else with the video data, you will need to make a copy of it.

The frame format is 32-bit BGRA, 8 bits per channel.

You can also pass an IntPtr of a window (window handle) to attempt capture.

If these methods fail to start a capture session, an exception will be thrown.

Stopping capture

At the end of your capture session, call the Stop() method on your DisplayCaptureInstance.

It is also possible for a capture session to be closed because the captured window is closed. Handle the capture instance's CaptureSessionStopped event. When the session is closed because of window close, the capture instance Stop() method will be called automatically.

Example Code

public ObservableCollection<WindowInfo> Windows { get; } = new ObservableCollection<WindowInfo>();
public ObservableCollection<ScreenInfo> Screens { get; } = new ObservableCollection<ScreenInfo>();

// Omitting declarations for the selected screen & selected window code...

public async Task Refresh()
    this.SelectedScreen = null;
    this.SelectedWindow = null;


    var securityCheck = await WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.RequestPermissionsAsync();
    if (!securityCheck)
        MessageBox.Show("Could not get capture permissions.");

    var screens = await WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.GetAvailableScreensAsync();
    foreach(var item in screens)

    var windows = await WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.GetAvailableWindowsAsync();
    foreach (var item in windows)

private DisplayCaptureInstance? capture;

public void ToggleCapture()
    if(this.capture is not null)

    var frameHandler = new NdiFrameHandler()
        NdiSenderName = this.NdiSenderName

    if (this.windowCapture && this.selectedWindow is not null)
        this.capture = WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.CreateCaptureForWindow(this.selectedWindow, frameHandler);
    else if(this.screenCapture && this.selectedScreen is not null)
        this.capture = WinRtGraphicsCaptureHelper.CreateCaptureForScreen(this.selectedScreen, frameHandler);
        this.capture = null;
        MessageBox.Show("No source selected. Not started.");

    if(this.capture != null)
        this.capture.CaptureSessionStopped += this.OnCaptureSessionStopped;

private void OnCaptureSessionStopped()
    if(this.capture != null)
        this.capture.CaptureSessionStopped -= this.OnCaptureSessionStopped;
    this.capture = null;

Example NDI Frame Handler

NOTE: This code requires the NDI SDK available from

using NewTek;
using NewTek.NDI;
using SharpDX;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Tractus.WinRtCaptureWrapper;

namespace WpfRtTestbed;

public class NdiFrameHandler : FrameHandler
    IntPtr sendInstancePtr = IntPtr.Zero;

    public string NdiSenderName { get; set; }

    protected override void OnDisposing()
        if (this.sendInstancePtr != IntPtr.Zero)
            this.sendInstancePtr = IntPtr.Zero;

    public override void SendFrame(DataRectangle rect, int width, int height)
        int xres = width; // NdiWidth;
        int yres = height; //NdiHeight;

        int frNum = 30;
        int frDen = 1;

        if (sendInstancePtr == IntPtr.Zero)
            var ptr = new NDIlib.send_create_t
                clock_audio = false,
                clock_video = true,
                p_groups = IntPtr.Zero,
                p_ndi_name = UTF.StringToUtf8(this.NdiSenderName)
            sendInstancePtr = NDIlib.send_create(ref ptr);

        var stride = rect.Pitch; // (xres * 32/*BGRA bpp*/ + 7) / 8;
        var requiredFrameSize = yres * stride;
        var aspectRatio = xres / (float)yres;

        // We are going to create a progressive frame at 60Hz.
        NDIlib.video_frame_v2_t videoFrame = new NDIlib.video_frame_v2_t()
            // Resolution
            xres = xres,
            yres = yres,
            // Use BGRA video
            FourCC = NDIlib.FourCC_type_e.FourCC_type_BGRA,
            // The frame-eate
            frame_rate_N = frNum,
            frame_rate_D = frDen,
            // The aspect ratio
            picture_aspect_ratio = aspectRatio,
            // This is a progressive frame
            frame_format_type = NDIlib.frame_format_type_e.frame_format_type_progressive,
            // Timecode.
            timecode = NDIlib.send_timecode_synthesize,
            // The video memory used for this frame
            p_data = rect.DataPointer,
            // The line to line stride of this image
            line_stride_in_bytes = stride,
            // no metadata
            p_metadata = IntPtr.Zero,
            // only valid on received frames
            timestamp = 0,

        NDIlib.send_send_video_v2(this.sendInstancePtr, ref videoFrame);
        //// add it to the output queue
        //AddFrame(videoFrame);    }

Implementation Notes

Ensure the following is added to your project to indicate that your WPF/Forms app will run on Windows 10 20348 or higher.




A simple Windows 10+ Capture API Wrapper for .NET 7 projects.







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