This is a CommandAPI that is developed to avoid having to statically register any command whether using reflection and a CommandExecutor, or simply putting the commands into my plugin.yml. This is a purely annotation based API.
- Easy registration and management of commands
- Advanced automated help screen (see pictures below)
- Automated tab completer (for now only first argument, to be improved)
- Support to use flags
- Maven support
- See attribute values explained for more
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To use CommandAPI you also need to shade it into your project to do so add the following to your pom.xml
<minimizeJar>true</minimizeJar> <!-- Only include packages that you are using. Note: Requires Java 1.5 or higher. -->
Using this CommandAPI is super simple, and requires minimum 3 lines to register the commands, and obviously the commands themselves.
First in either your onEnable()
you need to setup the CommandManager:
final CommandManager commandManager = new CommandManager(plugin); //where `plugin` is a plugin instance
// Automatically finds all classes that implements the CommandListener.class and registers their commands
//registers a generated help topic to bukkit
//so the /help PluginName displays our plugin's registered commands
command: (String) This is the name of the command. eg command /test will have command = "test"
aliases: (String[], default: {}) A list of aliases for the command
permission: (String, default: "") The permission needed to execute the command
noPermission: (String, default: "You don't have permission to do that.") The string displayed when the player doesn't have the permission for the command
usage: (String, default: "") The arbitrary arguments of the command
description: (String, default: "") A description of what the command does
min: (int, default: 0) The minimum number of arguments the command can have
max: (int, default: -1) The maximum number og arguments the command can have
playerOnly: (boolean, default: false) If only players can execute the command
flags: (Flag, default: {}) The flags of the command (see flags example below)
strictArgs: (boolean, default: false) If only known subcommand are allowed as arguments (see first example below)
flagDesc: (String[], default: {}) The description of what each flag does (see flags example below)
flags: (char) The character to use for the flag. If the char is '*' (asterisk) then this character will be used as a select everything flag.
usage: (String) An explanation of what the flag does.
permission: (String, default: "") The permission a players need to execute the flag
noPermission: (String, default: "You don't have permission use this flag.") The string displayed when the player doesn't have the permission to use the flag
Example commands to be registered: Here are some test commands to display how commands should be written to allow registration. CommandListener is a required interface for any class you wish commands to be registered from. This is to allow shrinkage of classes searched for commands, and increase registration time. A real example can be found here
import com.not2excel.api.command.CommandHandler;
import com.not2excel.api.command.CommandListener;
import com.not2excel.api.command.objects.CommandInfo;
public class TestCommand implements CommandListener //CommandListener is required
* command is the only required field for the annotation
* The base command is required (bug in 2.0). If you want the base command to display the
* help screen when called without any arguments add the attribute values "strictArgs = true" and "max = 0"
* Do NOT register the command in plugin.yml as it is all handled by this API!
@CommandHandler(command = "test")
public static void testingCommand(final CommandInfo info) {
info.getSender().sendMessage("Test worked");
* A dot in the command string marks this as a sub command. It can go infinitely deep.
* Do not have the command and/or subcommand in the usage, that is built in.
@CommandHandler(command = "test.test2",
permission = "test.test2",
noPermission = "No access!",
aliases = {"2", "testing", "test.2"},
usage = "<player>",
description = "Testing out (almost) all of the CommandHandler's attribute values")
public static void testingCommand2(final CommandInfo info) {
info.getSender().sendMessage("Test2 worked");
* A flag is a single character such as {@code -f} that will alter the behaviour of the command. flags can only
* be any english character (a-z and A-Z) including * as a catch all.
* Both the flag and usage option is required.
* Only valid flags will be passed you your method. If you specify the permission to be anything other than an empty string
* then this will also be checked. In other words you do not need to check if the flags are valid or if the player has
* permission, only if the flags are there.
* It is suggested that this is set `strictArgs` true if you only want flags as arguments. As this will then show the
* detailed usage of the flags.
@CommandHandler(command = COMMAND + ".reset",
flags = {@Flag(flag = 'k', usage = "Resets kingdoms", permission = "kingdom.reset", noPermission = "Nice try punk"),
@Flag(flag = 'r', usage = "Resets reficules")},
strictArgs = true,
description = "resets stuff!")
public static void testingCommand3(final CommandInfo info) {
//user gave the argument -f or -*
if (info.hasFlag('k') ) {
// Do some resetting
//returns true if one of the chars in the input string matches one of the flags the user gave
if (info.hasOneOfFlags("kr")) {
// reload or something
Here are some pictures on how the automated help screen looks.
Finally: Please leave any comments, suggestions, and/or bugs you may find while using this CommandAPI.