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Pd2dsy Interface

Corvus edited this page Oct 12, 2022 · 2 revisions

Pd File

You can select your Pd file using the Pd File browse button.


If you're using a Daisy-based board, you should be able to find it in the Board dropdown list. The correct board selection ensures your input and output objects are correctly assigned to the hardware.

Custom JSON

If you're breadboarding or building custom hardware, you'll need to look into describing your hardware with JSON. Once you've built your description, browse to it using the Custom JSON browse button and make sure the Custom board option is selected.


You can specify whether you'd like to optimize your project's RAM usage for speed or size. The Daisy's internal SRAM has a fast access time, but it can be quite limited at 512kB (or even less if you're using the bootloader!). The external SDRAM (note the D), while it can be slower to access, affords a hefty 64MB of space. Currently, only the heap is placed in SDRAM if size is selected (meaning all dynamic allocations happen in SDRAM), but that's the best use-case for it anyway, since the largest program you could squeeze onto the Daisy would only be around 512kB.


You can specify whether you'd like to optimize your project's ROM usage for speed or size. The Daisy's internal flash allows programs to start very quickly, and offers very slightly better performance. However, if your program is too hefty to fit in the Daisy's 128kB of internal flash, then you'll need to execute the program from SRAM using the Daisy bootloader (for up to 512kB). Selecting size will configure your project for the bootloader, and all you need to do is upload the bootloader, build your program, then upload the resulting binary to the bootloader.

Output folder

You can choose a specific folder for the project output, including generated code and build files. This will use the folder of your Pd file unless you provide a manual assignment.


There are two distinct buttons for flashing to the Daisy. For most projects, you'll only need to worry about the Flash Program button.

Flash Program

This will generate, build, and flash your Pd patch to a connected Daisy device in bootloader mode. Before actually pressing the button, you should:

  • Connect the Daisy's USB to your computer

  • Put the Daisy into bootloader mode by holding the BOOT button down, and then pressing the RESET button. Once you release the RESET button, you can also let go of the BOOT button. This sequence is demonstrated below.

Flash Bootloader

If you've selected the Size option for ROM, you'll need to use the Daisy bootloader. Before it's available though, you need to flash it like any other program as described above. However, instead of pushing the Flash Program button once the Daisy is in bootloader mode, you'll press Flash Bootloader.

The Daisy bootloader process is indicated by a smoothly pulsing LED. The grace period at startup is relatively short, so if you want to flash a program to it, press the BOOT button soon after reset (which will extend the bootloader process until your application is flashed). Once the Daisy bootloader is flashed and active, you can press the Flash Program button as normal.


At the bottom of the window, you'll find the result of the flashing process. This includes any errors and provides likely solutions for the most common ones.


All of these settings can be saved in a .pd2dsy project file in the file menu at the top of the window.