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This website/template is powered with Jigsaw, Tailwind3 and Alpine3.

Jigsaw setup

mkdir jigsaw &&
cd .\jigsaw\
composer require tightenco/jigsaw
vendor/bin/jigsaw init
npm i &&
npm run prod


vendor/bin/jigsaw serve production


npm i &&
npm run dev &&
vendor/bin/jigsaw serve

Using Tailwind 3

npm install -D tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest autoprefixer@latest
module.exports = {
    content: [
        // ...
    // ...

The npm run mix infinit loop issue ref1 ref2

I don't understand the issue neither the solution! But this fixes it.

npm i fast-glob
module.exports = {
    content: require("fast-glob").sync([
        // ..
    // ...


npm install -g browser-sync
npm run watch

Now live preview the website on http:https://localhost:3000

Deploy on github pages ref

Commit the build_production folder to your repository.

Use git subtree push to push just the build_production folder to your gh-pages branch

git subtree push --prefix build_production origin gh-pages