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Eko's Website & Blog on Jamstack

The Eko website & blog built with Eleventy. Uses reusable component and simple configurations to automate page creation.

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🌟 Features

  1. Built with Eleventy! (docs)
  2. Netlify CMS: easy blog & website configuration management.
  3. Reusable components for faster development (src/_includes).
  4. Simple configuration files for creating retail/API product pages (src/_data).
  5. Simple stack. Minification/bundling using internal 11ty plugins.

🔗 Table Of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Project Structure
  3. How to add a new blog post?
  4. How to add or edit a Retail-product page?
  5. How to add or edit an API-product page?
  6. How to add a custom page?
  7. How to add redirections to support old links?

🏁 Getting Started (Development Setup)

  1. Install node/npm & git
  2. Clone this Repository: git clone
  3. Navigate to the directory: cd eko-website
  4. Install dependencies: npm install
  5. Copy .env.example to a new .env file and setup your own defaults
  6. Build and host locally for local development: npm start Checkout in the browser: localhost:8080

🗃 Project Structure

  • 📄🔧 .eleventy.js All project technical configurations go here
  • 📂 src/ Main source directory. Top-level/custom webpages are created right here
    • 📄 index.njk The home page
    • 📂✍ blog/ Create blog posts here
    • 📂🔧 _data All the website configuration and data go here
      • 📄🔧 website.yaml Top configurations, like, domain, logo, title, SEO, etc
      • 📑🔧 products.yaml The retail products listing. Pages automatically created and added to menu
      • 📑🔧 developers.yaml The API products listing. Pages automatically created and added to menu
      • 📑🔧 ekoUniversity.yaml The video listing for the Eko University section
      • 📄🔧 footer.yaml Configure footer links
      • 📄🔧 env.yaml Secret configurations as envoirnment variables
    • 📂👩‍💻 _layouts Reusable templates for various page types
    • 📂🧩 _includes All build-time reusable components go here
      • 📓 section_*.njk Full width reusable UI components that compose the index & product pages
      • 📄 navigation.njk Top navigation bar in every page
      • 📄 footer.njk Footer section at the bottom of every page
      • 📄 blogslist.njk List of all blog posts with pagination
      • 📄 form.njk Visitor sign-up form
      • 📂🎨 css CSS files - inlined into HTML during build
        • 📄 base.css Common CSS rules used in every page
        • 📄 blog.css CSS rules for pages using the 'blog' or 'page' template
        • 📄 nav.css CSS rules for top navigation menu
        • 📄 footer.css CSS rules for footer section
        • 📄 flex.css Helper classes for CSS Flexbox
        • 📄 carousel.css CSS rules for the carousel section
        • 📄 section_components.css CSS rules for the section_*.njk reusable components
      • 📁 js Javascript files - inlined into HTML during build
    • 📁🖼 assets Static assets like images, icons, etc
  • 📂 utils/ 11ty build-time custom utilities...

❓ How to add a new blog post?

  1. Add a new file in the src/blog/ folder (or, copy an existing file).
  2. File name becomes the URL of the blog-post (without the extension).
  3. Easiest way to write the post is to use Markdown (.md). Any other file format can be used (eg: Nunjucks, HTML, Liquid, Javascript).
    1. Check for an example page and a quick guide to markdown.
  4. Add other page info (like title, description, image, etc) in the top section of the page between the two '---' lines.
    1. Make the first paragraph of the post an excerpt by add a <!-- excerpt --> comment after it. This will be shown as the post description.
    2. Alternatively, add a description field in the top section of the page between the two '---' lines.
    3. Check for a quick example.
  5. You can also use the graphical admin interface (provided by Netlify CMS) to easily add/edit blog posts.

❓ How to add or edit a Retail-product page?

  1. Retail product pages can by added without coding by just adding the product details to the configuration file!
  2. All configuration files reside in the src/_data/ folder.
  3. Configuration files are simple text files written in YAML format.
    1. It is a simple format to understand and write manually.
    2. Just ensure proper indentation and spaces!
  4. Open the src/_data/products.yaml file.
  5. Add a new product by copying configuration of an existing product and changing it's values!
  6. Any new product page is automatically added to the navigation menu!

❓ How to add or edit an API-product page?

  1. API product pages can by added without coding by just adding the product details to the configuration file!
  2. All configuration files reside in the src/_data/ folder.
  3. Configuration files are simple text files written in YAML format.
    1. It is a simple format to understand and write manually.
    2. Just ensure proper indentation and spaces!
  4. Open the src/_data/developers.yaml file.
  5. Add a new product by copying configuration of an existing product and changing it's values!
  6. Any new product page is automatically added to the navigation menu!

❓ How to add a custom page?

  1. Add a new file in the src/ folder (or, copy an existing file).
    1. File name becomes the URL of the blog-post (without the extension).
    2. You can also create the file under a sub-directory, if required. The page URL will reflect the sub-directory in the path.
  2. Easiest way to write the post is to use Markdown (.md). Any other file format can be used (eg: Nunjucks, HTML, Liquid, Javascript).
    1. Check for an example page and a quick guide to markdown.
  3. For full customization, create a Nunjucks file (.njk) and write any custom HTML.
  4. Add other page info (like description, social image, etc) at the top of the page between the two '---' lines.
  5. Add to navigation menu in the src/_includes/navigation.njk file.

❓ How to add redirections to support old links?

  1. Add an entry in the src/_redirects file.
  2. Example and documentation in the file.

❓ How to add a new env variable?

  1. Checkout the file src/_data/env.js
  2. Add a new env variable name in this file
  3. Now this variable can be accessed anywhere using env.<VARIABLE_NAME>