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Michael Heilmann edited this page Feb 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to Egoboo Wiki

Egoboo is now actively developed again; the SourceForge repository is deprecated, development happens on GitHub.


  • Q: Where can I find the source code?
  • A: The most recent source code can be found in the development repository.

  • Q: Will you make binary releases?
  • A: Yes. The first stable binary release is scheduled for around Christmas 2015.

  • Q: How can I contact the developers?
  • A: The easiest way to contact the developers is via Gitter.

  • Q: Do you have a roadmap?
  • A: The present state of Egoboo's source code makes it hard to pin-point time frames. However, if you are satisfied with a roadmap that should be worked down until the first binary release (see above), consult the roadmap in our Wiki on GitHub.

  • Q: Can I contribute?
  • A: Absolutely; Coders and Content creators just fork the repo and send us pull requests. If you are a content creator (Graphics- or Audio Designer, Game- or Level Designer) and you need assistance, just contact the developers (see above).

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