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eggman87 edited this page Oct 24, 2013 · 3 revisions

Welcome to ezimgur!

ezimgur is a imgur browsing android application.

tablet screenshot

This project was initially a side project for eggman87, but he decieded to open-source it so that users can develop their own features if they want to. Keep in mind that the code was originally written for/by one person, so it may contain some bad practices or code smell (cowboy coding!).

All code is licensed under the following license:


 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
 * eggman87 wrote the original ezimgur project. As long as you retain this notice 
 * you can do whatever you want with this stuff with the exception of the items 
 * listed below. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you 
 * can buy me a beer in return Matthew Harris
 * - You may not distribute this app commercially unless permission is granted by Matthew Harris.
 * - You can not distribute this app in the play store unless permission is granted by Matthew Harris.
 * If you for some reason would like to create your own version of ezimgur, and distribute it 
 * through the app store - please contact me at [email protected] so we can discuss. I am open to 
 * allowing it.   
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The application uses maven to manage dependencies. It was built using intellij IDEA but any IDE can be used (just don't checkin IDE files). Additionally to run locally, you will need to set imgur API keys in the ezimgur.v3.api project ImgurApiConstants file. Contact eggman87 for API keys to use.

If you would like to add a feature, please first create a issue in the issues tab so that we can track the progress.

You are also welcome to work on any existing issues - just please make sure they are not being worked on by someone else.

workflow for new work

  1. Fork the code.
  2. Implement your changes locally.
  3. Test the code on 2.2 and 4.2, be sure to test on tablet as well as phones.
  4. Once you are ready for the feature to go live, create a pull request.
  5. eggman87 will approve the request and commit to default.

If you start doing a lot of work, and you do a good job, you will be granted write access so that you don't have to work off a fork/pull request.

Play store link:

Have fun!

dev environment setup

The project was built using intellij. Given this (and the fact that intellij > eclipse) means you will probably have a better time if you use intellij IDEA. Follow the steps below to get it running:

  1. Open latest version of intellij > Import Project > Select root folder with source code
  2. Select import from external model > choose maven > hit next
  3. Select "Search projects recursively" and hit next.
  4. Dialog should open a list of all projects, make sure they are all checked and hit next.
  5. This should open the IDE with all the projects imported correctly.
  6. There is a dropdown @ the top of IDE next to play/run button. hit it and select Edit Configurations.
  7. Setup a run configuration for android application that has ezimgur as the module.
  8. After that is setup, select run. 9 You should get build errors that say "java: package does not exist"
  9. This means that you are building with the standard android SDK, however the app needs the Google APIs android SDK which include the maps API (this is the old MAPs version BTW).
  10. To fix this, open module settings > go to project sdk > change build target from Android 4.x to Google APIs 4.x
  11. Select run again, you should see another build error that states "java: package com.nostra13.universalimageloader.core.assist does not exist"
  12. this is due to libs folder in ezimgur not being on the class path (since no IDE files are checked in). To fix this, right click on each jar in the libs folder and click "add as library".
  13. Select run, and it should compile and start up an emulator.# Welcome to ezimgur!
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