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A simple, multi-user, multi-conversation, web-based pybot.


Multi User

Pybot incorporates OpenID Connect for user identification. It relies on an external OAuth Client oidc-authservice to handle authentication and set a trusted userid Header to the downstream services. Alternatively, oauth2-proxy, which is more actively maintained, can be used in place of oidc-authservice.

Multi Conversation

Pybot supports multiple conversations. Each conversation is identified by a unique conversationId. Conversations consists of a sequence of messages as well as metadata such as title, updatedAt. Message persistance is handled by langchain's RedisChatMessageHistory module, which leverages Redis for storing chat history. Metadata persistance is handled separately by redis-om, an object mapping library for Redis from Redis Labs. This separation of message content and metadata storage provides modularity and flexibility in the pybot's underlying persistence architecture.


Pybot supports streaming LLM outputs to the user in real-time. Streaming messages are delivered via WebSockets, which enables bidirectional, full-duplex communication channels between the server and client.

On the LLM side, Pybot uses Text Generation Inference (TGI), an open source library from HuggingFace, to host large language models for text generation. TGI provides out-of-the-box support for continuous batching, streaming inference, and other useful features for deploying production-ready LLMs. Using TGI eliminates the need to build complex serving infrastructure from scratch. Its continuous batching allows the pybot to achieve high throughput by batching requests. Streaming inference enables the pybot to return partial results instantly rather than waiting for the full output.



See deployment instructions


Key Default Value Description
LOG_LEVEL INFO log level
REDIS_OM_URL redis:https://localhost:6379 Redis url to persist messages and metadata
LLM__URL http:https://localhost:8080 LLM service url
LLM__CREDS EMPTY LLM service credentials
LLM__MODEL cognitivecomputations/dolphincoder-starcoder2-15b LLM model name
JUPYTER__GATEWAY_URL http:https://localhost:8888 URL of the Jupyter Enterprise Gateway.
JUPYTER__KERNEL_NAMESPACE None Namespace to start the kernel in. If not set, a new namespace will be created in form of ${KERNEL_USERNAME}-${UUID}.
JUPYTER__SHARED_VOLUME_MOUNT_PATH /mnt/shared Path to mount the shared volume in the kernel container.
JUPYTER__SHARED_VOLUME_NFS_SERVER localhost NFS server to mount the shared volume from.
JUPYTER__SHARED_VOLUME_NFS_PATH /data/pybot/shared Path to the shared volume on the NFS server.
USER_ID_HEADER X-Forwarded-User Header to use for user identification.