Este projeto tem como objetivo atender aos requisitos do Klever - Junior Frontend Test
A versão online do projeto pode ser acessada através deste Deploy no Vercel
Tecnologias usadas no projeto:
- Vite
- React
- React Router
- SweetAlert2
When clicking on the "Add Token" button go to the "Add Token" page
When click on the icon "Edit" go to the "Edit Token" page
Add Token
- The Token field is required
- The Balance field is required
- When clicking on the "Back" button go to the "Home" page
When clicking on the icon "Save" button
- Save the data in localStorage from Browser
- Navigate user to home page
- The Token name should be unique, the user shouldn't has token names repeated
- Display the error messages from the form to the user
Edit Token
- When clicking on the "Back" button go to the "Home" page When clicking on the "Save" button
- Save the data in localStorage
- Navigate user to home page When clicking on the "Remove" button
- Remove the date from local storage
- Navigate user to home page
- When the user clicks on the "Remove" button should display an alert to the user to confirm the remotion.
- If confirmed, the token should be deleted
- If denied, the alert closes and the token not should be deleted,