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A hitch-hikers guide to [ASPeKT]

Peter Lorimer - Oct 30, 2018


Do you have an idea for an open source project? Have you thought about opening an idea to the community? If so, then this talk is for you! If not, and you dream about code or even think about it sometimes, this talk is still for you! Heck, if you have a computer come listen.

In this talk, I will wade through the motivations, challenges, and some grimy details of developing [ASPeKT] ( The trials and tribulations of an open source, NuGet available library that I created over a year ago. From what started as something that was a fun challenge, to something that is available on NuGet. I will examine the steps I took to take an idea from conception to reality, the problems I faced, and the tools I used. This isn't a success story, this is a reality story, from the mouth of a guy with a passion for code, and an affinity for development.

Speaker Bio

When I was 7, I wrote on my report card "I like computers. I like gym." not much has changed since then. My name is Peter Lorimer, a C++ developer by trade, C# developer for fun, and an avid fitness enthusiast. A self-proclaimed Microsoft fan boy, I might be the last known user of the "Windows Phone" platform. Blog:


You can find the slides for the talk here. This repository is a fork of Peter's ASPeKT project.