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Edge Impulse Example: stand-alone inferencing for CMSIS toolbox

Example standalone inferecing for AVH created for CMSIS toolbox v2.4.0


To add your model to your component library you need to use the cpackget utility:

cpackget add <your_model>.pack

Then you ned to add it to the solution and the project.


In the App folder, create a model.clayer.yml file with the following info:

  type: Target
  description: Edge Impulse model

    - pack: EdgeImpulse::[email protected]

  # Add the model component here, ie
    - component: EdgeImpulse:model:[email protected]

and sobstitutes the your_project_name with your project name and x.y.z with the version number.


In App.clayer.yml, substitute # - component: EdgeImpulse::EdgeImpulse:model:project_name with

  • component: EdgeImpulse::EdgeImpulse:model:project_name

Build the firmware

Using command line

The basic compilation command is:

cbuild inferencing.csolution.yml

This command will build for every target and avery configuration available.

To specify a configuration and target (ie speed for CM55):

cbuild inferencing.csolution.yml --context inferencing.speed+CM55

Other useful arguments are:


Update the RTE directory and files


Download missing software packs with cpackget


Remove intermediate and output directories

Check the CMSIS-Toolbox User Guide for a complete overview of the cbuild command.

Using CMSIS toolbox extension

In the CMSIS view, click on the hammer icon.

Using docker

This repository contains a docker image with the required dependencies for building with gcc and llvm:

docker build -t standalone-csolution .

Copy the content of the deployment for your project in the pack folder.

Build the the firmware with following command:

docker run --rm -it -v "${PWD}":/app standalone-csolution /bin/bash -c "./"

Run on AVH

The basic usage is:

<AVH FVP for the target> -f <fvp config file> <elf file to be loaded>

Some examples:

  • Run Test on model for Cortex-M3 (speed) compiled with GCC
FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M3 -f ./Target/CM3/model_config.txt ./build/CM3/GCC/speed/outdir/CM3_inferencing.elf
  • Run Test on model for Cortex-M55 with Ethos (none) compiled with Arm Compiler
FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 -f ./Target/CM55/model_config.txt ./build/CM55/AC6/speed/outdir/CM55_inferencing.elf


Tested using GCC 10.3.1, GCC 12.3.1, GCC 13.2.1, Arm Compiler v6.19 and 6.22 and Arm LLVM v17.1. Doesn't work with GCC 12.2.1 for MCU with Helium (Cortex-M55, Cortex-M85).


Example Standalone for Arm Virtual Hardware using CMSIS toolbox







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