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  1. Two Sum (My sol.)
  2. Reverse Integer (My sol.)
  3. Palindrome Number (My sol.)
  4. Roman to Integer (My sol.)
  5. Longest Common Prefix (My sol.)
  6. Valid Parentheses (My sol.)
  7. Merge Two Sorted Lists (My sol.)
  8. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (My sol.)
  9. Remove Element (My sol.)
  10. Implement strStr() (My sol.)
  11. Search Insert Position (My sol.)
  12. Maximum Subarray (My sol.)
  13. Length of Last Word (My sol.)
  14. Sqrt(x) (My sol.)
  15. Excel Sheet Column Title (My sol.)
  16. Reverse Bits (My sol.)
  17. Count Primes (My sol.)
  18. Isomorphic Strings (My sol.)
  19. Reverse Linked List (My sol.)
  20. Contains Duplicate (My sol.)
  21. Contains Duplicate II (My sol.)
  22. Implement Stack using Queues (My sol.)
  23. Summary Ranges (My sol.)
  24. Third Maximum Number (My sol.)
  25. Detect Capital (My sol.)
  26. Can Place Flowers (My sol.)
  27. Merge Two Binary Trees (My sol.)
  28. Robot Return to Origin (My sol.)
  29. Search in a Binary Search Tree (My sol.)
  30. Buddy Strings (My sol.)
  31. Walking Robot Simulation (My sol.)
  32. X of a Kind in a Deck of Cards (My sol.)
  33. Valid Mountain Array (My sol.)
  34. N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array (My sol.)
  35. Add to Array-Form of Integer (My sol.)
  36. Defanging an IP Address (My sol.)
  37. Kids With the Greatest Number of Candies (My sol.)
  38. Shuffle the Array (My sol.)
  39. Running Sum of 1d Array (My sol.)
  40. Number of Good Pairs (My sol.)
  41. Richest Customer Wealth (My sol.)
  42. Happy Number (My sol.)
  43. Plus One (My sol.)
  44. Add Binary (My sol.)
  45. Climbing Stairs (My sol.)
  46. Second Largest Digit in a String (My sol.)
  47. Maximum 69 Number (My sol.)
  48. Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum (My sol.)
  49. Count Items Matching a Rule (My sol.)
  50. Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal (My sol.)
  51. Decompress Run-Length Encoded List (My sol.)
  52. N-th Tribonacci Number (My sol.)
  53. Fibonacci Number (My sol.)
  54. *Average of Levels in Binary Tree (My sol.)
  55. Factorial Trailing Zeroes (My sol.)
  56. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (My sol.)
  57. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List (My sol.)
  58. Remove Linked List Elements (My sol.)
  59. Merge Sorted Array (My sol.)
  60. Squares of a Sorted Array (My sol.)
  61. Design Parking System (My sol.)
  62. How Many Numbers Are Smaller Than the Current Number (My sol.)
  63. Check If N and Its Double Exist (My sol.)
  64. Symmetric Tree (My sol.)
  65. Rotate String (My sol.)
  66. Valid Perfect Square (My sol.)
  67. Maximum Score After Splitting a String (My sol.)
  68. Perfect Number (My sol.)
  69. Path Sum (My sol.)
  70. Long Pressed Name (My sol.)
  71. Binary Prefix Divisible By 5 (My sol.)
  72. Flood Fill (My sol.)
  73. Reverse String (My sol.)
  74. Valid Palindrome (My sol.)
  75. Power of Three (My sol.)
  76. Delete Node in a Linked List (My sol.)
  77. Single Number (My sol.)
  78. Jewels and Stones (My sol.)
  79. Fizz Buzz (My sol.)
  80. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree (My sol.)
  81. Palindrome Linked List (My sol.)
  82. Linked List Cycle (My sol.)
  83. Majority Element (My sol.)
  84. Intersection of Two Linked Lists (My sol.)
  85. Maximum Depth of Binary Tree (My sol.)
  86. Valid Anagram (My sol.)
  87. Excel Sheet Column Number (My sol.)
  88. Pascal's Triangle (My sol.)
  89. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II (My sol.)
  90. Move Zeroes (My sol.)
  91. Min Stack (My sol.)
  92. First Unique Character in a String (My sol.)
  93. Intersection of Two Arrays II (My sol.)
  94. Number of 1 Bits (My sol.)
  95. Missing Number (My sol.)
  96. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal (My sol.)
  97. Count Largest Group (My sol.)
  98. Number of Different Integers in a String (My sol.)
  99. Subtract the Product and Sum of Digits of an Integer (My sol.)
  100. Create Target Array in the Given Order (My sol.)
  101. Valid Palindrome II (My sol.)
  102. Valid Boomerang (My sol.)
  103. Number of Segments in a String (My sol.)
  104. First Bad Version (My sol.)
  105. Word Pattern (My sol.)
  106. Maximum Repeating Substring (My sol.)
  107. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree (My sol.)
  108. Set Mismatch (My sol.)
  109. Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of Ones (My sol.)
  110. Latest Time by Replacing Hidden Digits (My sol.)
  111. Ugly Number (My sol.)
  112. Power of Four (My sol.)
  113. Maximum Average Subarray I (My sol.)
  114. Arranging Coins (My sol.)
  115. Rectangle Overlap (My sol.)
  116. Check If It Is a Straight Line (My sol.)
  117. Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree (My sol.)
  118. Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times (My sol.)
  119. License Key Formatting (My sol.)
  120. Repeated Substring Pattern (My sol.)
  121. Largest Number At Least Twice of Others (My sol.)
  122. Rearrange Spaces Between Words (My sol.)
  123. Power of Two (My sol.)
  124. Find Mode in Binary Search Tree (My sol.)
  125. Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated (My sol.)
  126. Subtree of Another Tree (My sol.)
  127. Add Strings (My sol.)
  128. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal (My sol.)
  129. Balanced Binary Tree (My sol.)
  130. Most Common Word (My sol.)
  131. Guess Number Higher or Lower (My sol.)
  132. Remove One Element to Make the Array Strictly Increasing (My sol.)
  133. Reshape the Matrix (My sol.)
  134. Pascal's Triangle II (My sol.)
  135. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal (My sol.)
  136. Same Tree (My sol.)
  137. Build Array from Permutation (My sol.)
  138. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal (My sol.)
  139. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted (My sol.)
  140. Invert Binary Tree (My sol.)
  141. Implement Queue using Stacks (My sol.)
  142. Concatenation of Array (My sol.)
  143. Shuffle String (My sol.)
  144. Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero (My sol.)
  145. Decode XORed Array (My sol.)
  146. Goal Parser Interpretation (My sol.)
  147. Split a String in Balanced Strings (My sol.)
  148. Find Center of Star Graph (My sol.)
  149. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree (My sol.)
  150. Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements (My sol.)
  151. Binary Tree Paths (My sol.)
  152. Add Digits (My sol.)
  153. Nim Game (My sol.)
  154. Counting Bits (My sol.)
  155. Range Sum Query - Immutable (My sol.)
  156. Reverse Vowels of a String (My sol.)
  157. Intersection of Two Arrays (My sol.)
  158. Ransom Note (My sol.)
  159. Find the Difference (My sol.)
  160. Is Subsequence (My sol.)
  161. Sum of Left Leaves (My sol.)
  162. Longest Palindrome (My sol.)
  163. Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array (My sol.)
  164. XOR Operation in an Array (My sol.)
  165. Hamming Distance (My sol.)
  166. To Lower Case (My sol.)
  167. Number Complement (My sol.)
  168. Assign Cookies (My sol.)


  1. Add Two Numbers (My sol.)
  2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (My sol.)
  3. Reverse Linked List II (My sol.)
  4. Uncrossed Lines (My sol.)
  5. Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box (My sol.)
  6. Valid Square (My sol.)
  7. Partitioning Into Minimum Number Of Deci-Binary Numbers (My sol.)
  8. Integer to Roman (My sol.)
  9. String to Integer (atoi) (My sol.)
  10. Permutations (My sol.)
  11. Container With Most Water (My sol.)
  12. 3Sum (My sol.)
  13. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number (My sol.)
  14. Remove Nth Node From End of List (My sol.)
  15. Max Consecutive Ones III (My sol.)
  16. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (My sol.)
  17. Group Anagrams (My sol.)
  18. Moving Stones Until Consecutive (My sol.)
  19. Subrectangle Queries (My sol.)
  20. Next Permutation (My sol.)
  21. Deepest Leaves Sum (My sol.)
  22. Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree (My sol.)
  23. Max Increase to Keep City Skyline (My sol.)
  24. Queries on Number of Points Inside a Circle (My sol.)
  25. Subsets (My sol.)
  26. Rotate Image (My sol.)
  27. Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To (My sol.)
  28. Generate Parentheses (My sol.)
  29. Kth Smallest Element in a BST (My sol.)
  30. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers (My sol.)


  1. Median of Two Sorted Arrays (My sol.)


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