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Repository files navigation

Features to implement

-> Toggle theme


 * Implemented search
    -search by prompt,
    -by tag
    -by by username
    -used _debounce from lodash library
* Implemented Click on tag method but needs reload after
* Implemented  View other profiles/ by clicking their prompts on /
* Used a Loader, instead of shimmer

Ways to optimize the feed component:

* Implement pagination or infinite scrolling. Rather than loading all posts at once, load a page of posts and add a "load more" button. This improves initial load performance and user experience on larger datasets.

General UI tweaks

* Consider skeleton/ShimmerUI for data fetching

API Endpoints

* "/user/[id]/posts"  -> Gets the user specific posts
* "/api/prompt/[id]"   -> Gets ID specific prompt, from del/edit purposes
* "/api/prompt"        -> Gets all the prompts, from the DB
* "/api/prompt/new"    -> Posts/Creates prompt, tags to the DB