a video mixer, framebuffer delay, and feedback resynthesis engine built in openFrameworks https://openframeworks.cc/
(QUICK ADVERTISEMENT FOR MYSELF https://andreijaycreativecoding.com/ this is my website, there is a pay pal button on here, if you have a fun time with the software i make and can afford to send me a donation it is super appreciated, the more donations i recieve means the more time i can spend working on crazy awesome open source software)
OK! so installing from these files here on the github are kind of only for folks reasonably well versed in navigating openFrameworks already! I can't really help anyone out anymore with this sort of thing as the volume of requests has greatly outpaced the amount of time I can afford to spend on that! But for everyone who has no idea what the heck an open frame work is don't worry I jurry rigged a reasonable solution for yalls! Head on over to this link
and follow the instructions to get up and running!
https://vimeo.com/andreijay for many examples of this program in action.
midi cc list for video waaaves!
ch1 hue 20
ch1 saturation 21
ch1 brightness 22
blur -25
sharpen 24
fb0 key V 28
fb0 mix 29
fb0 delay 30
fb0 x 4
fb0 y 3
fb0 z 12
fb0 rotate 11
fb0 hue 5
fb0 sat 2
fb0 bright 13
fb0 huemod 16-not bipolar
fb0 hueoffset 10
fb0 huelfo 17
fb1 key V 31
fb1 mix 27
fb1 delay 26
fb1 x 6
fb1 y 1
fb1 z 14
fb1 rotate 9
fb1 hue 7
fb1 sat 0
fb1 bright 15
fb1 huemod 18-not bipolar
fb1 hueoffset 8
fb1 huelfo 19
(yes i know that is far from all of the parameters. I'll be frank, adding full midi support for every parameter would be pretty boring and time consuming and adds very little to my personal usage of this software! if you want more midi ccs mapped to parameters you'll basically have to pay me because its a lot of dang work and i don't have any midi controllers with 200 knobs to use with this set up so)