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☁️ Learn how to use ngrok to share access to a Web App/Site running on your "localhost" with the world!


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Learn ngrok

☁️ Learn how to use ngrok so that you can share a Web App/Site running on your "localhost" with anyone online!


You are working on a Web App/Site on your localhost, but it's "not yet ready" to be "deployed"

Note: once you are ready to make your App/MVP "official", you should consider using Heroku as it does not require you to have your localhost running (and it has good logging, "monitoring", "free tier", etc.).


The official description on the website is:

"ngrok exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels."

In plain (beginner friendly) English:

ngrok is a small piece of software that lets you run a web application
on your local computer and (securely) share it with the world on a public address ("URL")



Anyone working on a Web App/Site and needs a quick/easy way to show or test it without "deploying" it.
e.g: you are actively developing something and deploying it to Heroku would be too time consuming.


When Should I Use ngrok?

A great use-case is when you are in "development mode", you have "live-reloading" enabled on your locahost and you want any changes you make on your to be reflected a mobile device without having to re-deploy.

Developing Somewhere with "Strict" Firewall Rules?

Often you will be on a network with strict firewall rules (blocked TCP ports) that do not allow you to share your app with your Mobile device! e.g: in Coffee Shops, Libraries or "Corporate" Networks.

In these cases ngrok is a great choice!

When Not to Use ngrok?

Avoid using ngrok when your app is being actively used by people. i.e: once your "MVP" is ready to be tested by "real users", deploy it somewhere that is not your localhost e.g: Heroku


The official "getting started" guide is: Is a good place to start, however we have "condensed" it down into just 4 steps!

1. Download & Install

First step on our quest is to download ngrok from the website:


If you use a Mac computer (and "homebrew") there's an easy way; Run the following command in your terminal:

brew cask install ngrok


Once you have successfully downloaded and installed ngrok.

2. Connect Your ngrok "Account" to Your locahost

If you have not already authenticated with ngrok visit:

We use our GitHub account to authenticate with ngrok because they only asks for basic access:


Once authenticated, you should see a "Dashboard":

If you scroll down you will see a section entitled: "Connect your account" e.g:

Copy-pasge and run the command in your terminal
(including your unique authtoken, which you should not share BTW!)

./ngrok authtoken 56hth5o3bbkewDmHSZEHQ_39VJe8koVu

Don't worry, this example is not a "valid" token, it's just for demo purposes.

Trouble-shooting ...

if you see an error:

-bash: ./ngrok: No such file or directory

simply remove the ./ in front of the ngrok command: ngrok-not-found

Thanks to:

3. Run Your app

Now it's time to run your app on your localhost. Run which ever command you need (e.g: npm start or mix phx.server) to start your app.

Make a note of the TCP Port your app is running on for step 4 below.

Don't Have an App?

If you don't already have an "App" to try/test ngrok, you can simply "clone" this repository and try the "demo" App!

Copy-paste and run the following command:

git clone && cd learn-ngrok && npm install

(note: it take a few seconds for that command to run because it's installing the "live-server" dependency for running the app, be patient ...)

In your Terminal window you should see something like this:

Once the command has run it will start the "app" and open it in your default web browser. e.g:

4. Start the ngrok "Tunnel"

Create the ngrok "tunnel" to your app by running the following command in a new terminal window (different from the one where your app is running):

./ngrok http 4000

or (on Mac OSX):

ngrok http 4000

you should now see something similar to this:

This confirms that the ngrok forwarding the given URL to your locahost on TCP Port 4000.

In our case the ngrok URL is but yours will be a different random string as the sub-domain.

5. Visit the ngrok URL in your Web Browser

Open your Web Browser and visit: voila

Voilà! Your App on the public Internet! (not that you had any doubt it would work ...)

To Quit ngrok simply use the Ctrl+C command.

Note: if you quit ngrok the URL of your app will change. That's why the URL in the GIF below is different from this one ... if you want a fixed URL, you will need to pay for it.

6. But Wait, There's More!

Open the ngrok "inspector" http:https://localhost:4040 a new tab or browser window:


6.1 Make a Change in your App

If you make a simple change in your App, you should see it update in the browser! (the "demo" App has "live reloading" if yours does not, simple refresh the browser window.) e.g:

That's it!

Obviously ngrok has many more "advanced" features, we encourage you to read the docs if you need something specific:

Any Questions?

If you have any questions, get "stuck" or want a more "advanced example", please open an issue:


☁️ Learn how to use ngrok to share access to a Web App/Site running on your "localhost" with the world!






