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Repository files navigation


NOTE: some files are loaded from

Those are common-data files that might also be used by other projects at the same time

NOTE: The project uses SASS, so only edit .scss files, and run the SASS watch server like sass --watch scss/index.scss:public/css/continua.css

conlang creation utility


We're going to set up the auxillary services on Google Cloud, such as Storage and Cloud Run services

For the main Node.js app, we'll use Heroku, which has a stable pricing structure, is very convenient to use, and is well-integrated with Git

Create a new project in - set project id as you wish

Install Google Cloud SDK - if it was installed at sometime in the past, you may want to update

gcloud components update

From commandline, run

gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project <project-id>

(Replace <project-id>)

If at any time you forget your project id, you can check with

gcloud config get-value project

Also set your default region

gcloud config set run/region <region>

WARNING: Selecting certain regions may invalidate free-of-charge service, and then you may get a high bill - I use us-central1, since it's been safe for me


To obtain GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS for working locally, go to

Create new JSON service account key with role of project owner

Your GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS file will appear in your downloads - move it to a more secure location, such as ~/.ssh

To view these credentials in the future, go to

Set up Storage

Create a new bucket - to do this from commandline

gsutil mb gs:https://<bucket-name>

If your bucket name has already been used, you must try a new name

Enable bucket permissions with CORS, which allows transactions with other web addresses

gsutil cors set cors.json gs:https://<bucket-name>

In the console permissions for your bucket, add allUsers with role Storage Object Owner

Create a Lifecycle Rule Delete object when Age is 1 day

gsutil lifecycle set lifecycle.json gs:https://<bucket-name>

The console should show that Public Access is Subject to ACLs

Access Control should be Fine-grained: Object-level ACLs enabled

NOTE: Fine-grained control isn't really required, but, as I'm not particularly knowledgeable about the higher-level IAM permissions, and don't particularly care, I just use the ACL permissions

Set up GitHub

If you haven't already, set up an SSH key in GitHub settings for easier deployment without authentication

From GitHub, clone this project

Set up Cloud Run

Now we will create the background service - this will install a Docker container with programs used for processing files, coverting file formats, etc.

Go to Cloud Run and create a service

Choose a service name

Authentication Allow unauthenticated invocations

Configure the service's first revision Deploy one revision...

Container image URL<project-id>/<service-name>

You should see a message 'image not found' - that's okay, no image has yet been deployed

Enable Continuous Deployment - you'll be asked to log into GitHub

Select any other options required to enable Continuous Deployment

Set your Dockerfile path as service-container/Dockerfile

Logs are viewable in the console

Set Variables

Add these lines with correct information to ~/.bashrc

export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="<path-to-credential-file>"
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT="<project-id>"

Set the following entries in cfg.json

CLOUD_BUCKET: '<bucket-name>',
SVG_TO_OTF_SERVICE_URL: '<url-provided-in-cloud-run>',

Set the following in service-container/

bucket_name = '<bucket-name>'

Run Locally

If everything is set up, then just run from the main project directory

npm start

Then in your browser, go to


Deploying to Heroku

Create an app in Heroku

In Heroku Deploy settings, select Deployment method as GitHub and find your GitHub project

Enable Automatic deploys from master

Even though we've enabled ACL and CORS, we still must also set up credentials that will permit Heroku services to talk to Google Cloud Storage through the API - whew! using Storage is a lot of work

Under your Heroku project's Settings, create two Config Vars

Name the first GCP_CRED

Copy and paste the data from your Google Cloud credential JSON file

Name another variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, and assign it the value ./gcp.json

Also under Settings, check that the buildpack is Node.js, and delete any other buildpacks that may've been installed instead

Connect your files to the git repo using

git init && git remote add origin<github-name>/<repo-name>.git

Then to deploy new code, just use

git add . && git commit --allow-empty -m update && git push -u origin master

To view logs

heroku logs --tail -a <app-name>

Your app should be visible at <heroku-app-name>

Check Billing

To ensure that you will not incur unexpected charges, periodically check the billing projection for the month