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Website for the Algonquian Components Project (Nisinoon)


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Website for the Algonquian Components Project (Nisinoon)

View the project at

How to Update the Data on the Website

The following process will fetch the latest bibliography data from Zotero and the latest component data from Google Sheets, update the site with that data, and deploy the new site to production.

  1. Go to this link.
  2. Click the Run Workflow button on the right.
  3. In the popup that appears, keep the default settings and click the green Run workflow button.
  4. Then go to this page to watch that the site deployed successfully. You can click into the current run of the "update" process (and then click into "update" once more) for a detailed breakdown of each step in the process as it happens.
  5. Once the process is done running, you should be able to immediately see the latest changes to the data reflected on the website.

How to Update Text on the Website

The following pages can be easily edited on GitHub:

  • About
  • Bibliography
  • Grammar (Algonquian Word-Structure Basics)
  • Research

The following pages should not be edited manually:

  • Error
  • Components/Search/Database
  • Component

To edit a page, follow these steps:

  1. On the GitHub page for the site, find the page you wish to edit inside the pages/ folder, and click the file with the .md extension (e.g.
  2. Click the edit icon ✏️ towards the top right.
  3. Edit the page content.
    • Pages are written in Markdown.
    • HTML is valid Markdown, so you can use HTML tags as well.
    • You can't use Markdown inside HTML tags. If you use an HTML tag, everything inside that tag needs to be written in HTML as well.
    • You may see some {{curly braces}}. This is part of a templating language that allows you to inject variables and other data in the page. Avoid editing code within braces.
  4. At the top right of the page, click the green Commit changes... button. A box will pop up where you can leave a message describing your changes.
    • Choose the Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request option.
    • Click the green Propose changes button in the bottom right of the box.
  5. A new pull request draft will be started. Click the green Create pull request button towards the bottom right.
  6. Wait for a developer to review your changes and merge them into the live version of the site.


The bibliography/ folder contains all the scripts and data needed for building the Bibliography page.

Since the bibliography is no longer updated regularly, retrieving the data and building the bibliography page/PDF is no longer done automatically during the build process. If needed, run the scripts locally instead (from the bin/ folder).

The linguistics stylesheet comes from here. You can find other stylesheets in that same repository. Zotero seems to use that repo for its list, so you can test out different styles in Zotero.

Creating the PDF must be done manually using the Prince UI on the local or production versions of the site. (You used to be able to do it during the build process because you were using a static site generator that produced the complete HTML for the page in the dist/ folder. This is no longer the case. In order to produce the PDF during build, you'd have to run a local server, request the page, and run Prince on it, all on GitHub. Not worth it.)


The data/ folder contains all the scripts needed for fetching and transforming the project data for use in the website database.

Since the data for the project is no longer updated regularly, retrieving the data is no longer done automatically during the build process. If needed, run the scripts locally instead (from the bin/ folder).

In order to access files from the Nisinoon project using the Google Drive API, the email address of the Google APIs project needs to be given access to those files.

You can create credentials and download the JSON file for them here.

Release & Versioning

  • Version number is for the data, not the website.
  • The website deploys on pushes to main.
    • If you need a guard against early deployment, use development branches.
  • To trigger deployment of the data to Zenodo, create a release FROM THE DATA BRANCH.
  • Dates and versions in documentation (license, citation) and Express locals (via meta.json) are updated automatically when npm version is run. (See the version script in package.json.)

Page Variables

Variable Description
{PageName} The page name. Used by Handlebars to check for the current page.
cssClass The value to use in <main class={name}-page>.
title The page title. Will be displayed in the browser tab.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
NODE_ENV localhost | CI | production
PORT The port to connect to.