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DUMP Internship App

DUMP Internship companion app



  • Node.js >=18 and yarn
  • PostgreSQL >= 15

Install dependencies


Setup environment

Run docker compose up in separate terminal or follow steps below if you already have postgres server running locally.

Create .env.local file that can override configuration options from .env in web/api apps.

Required variables for api:


Run database migrations

yarn prisma migrate dev

Run database seed

yarn prisma db seed

Run app

yarn dev

App is now accessible on http:https://localhost:5173/. API routes are prefixed with /api.


Add new dependency

example: add react-hot-toast library to web app

yarn workspace web add react-hot-toast

React component template

type Props = {
  value: number;

export const Counter: React.FC<Props> = ({ value }) => {
  return <div>{value}</div>

Useful resources