- HangZhou,China
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The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
Free web archiving and sharing service based on Cloudflare. 基于 Cloudflare 的免费网页归档和分享工具。
🦔 Fast, lightweight & schema-less search backend. An alternative to Elasticsearch that runs on a few MBs of RAM.
🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
wallabag is a self hostable application for saving web pages: Save and classify articles. Read them later. Freely.
📙《高并发的哲学原理》开源图书(CC BY-NC-ND)https://pphc.lvwenhan.com
🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
A list of RSS related stuff: tools, services, communities and tutorials, etc.
Code at the speed of thought – Zed is a high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
moteta / syno-acme
Forked from andyzhshg/syno-acme通过acme协议更新群晖HTTPS泛域名证书的自动脚本
Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work!
Rime输入法安装脚本,让一切更轻松。Make using Rime easy.
中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会) ,中国省市区镇村二级三级四级五级联动地址数据。
小红书笔记 | 评论爬虫、抖音视频 | 评论爬虫、快手视频 | 评论爬虫、B 站视频 | 评论爬虫、微博帖子 | 评论爬虫、百度贴吧帖子 | 百度贴吧评论回复爬虫 | 知乎问答文章|评论爬虫
Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
Generate a roam research like network graph view from your Notion pages.