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Brazilian name generator

This repository contains training scripts and models for the generation of Brazilian names. The dataset is a CSV file with over 60k names from, whose source is IBGE.

Names are converted into n-grams and a Transformer is trained to predict the next character, given a partial name.

The models came from:

Some pretty fun names are generated, check the sample at sample.txt.


A conda environment is provided, which can be generated and activated with:

conda env create
conda activate brnames

A single module does everything, its documentation can be accessed with:

python -m brnames -h

To train a default module, use:

python -m brnames

Batch size is found automatically by PyTorch Lightning using the power rule to fill GPU memory.

To train multiple models using a predefined hyperparameter sweep with Ray Tune, use the --tune flag, which will ignore most other flags related to configuring the model and training. When using Tune, make sure your computer has a static IP and stable connection or you can have connection issues midway, even if running locally. The module with try to connect to an existing cluster and will start one if none are found.

If you are logged into Weights & Biases, you can log to a project called brnames by using the --wandb flag. Ray Tune also logs to TensorBoard by default in the ~/ray_results directory.

Generating names

To generate names using a trained model, use:

python -m brnames --gen <path to checkpoint file> <number of names to generate>

This will generate names in a file called sample.txt.

Checkpoint files are saved inside ~/ray_results. A full example of the script call could be:

python -m brnames --gen ~/ray_results/brnames_asha/train_single_7a274_00000_0_activation=relu,dropout=0.3000,lr=0.0003,n_embd=128,n_head=2,n_layer=6,weight_decay=0.0050_2023-02-24_03-35-49/checkpoints/epoch=164-val_loss=1.6643.ckpt 25

Model performance

activation n_embd n_head n_layer dropout lr weight_decay iters Loss/Train Loss/Val
relu 128 2 6 0.3 3.5E-04 5E-03 330 1.596 1.665
gelu 384 6 5 0.4 3.5E-04 1E-03 96 1.640 1.669
gelu 128 4 5 0.3 6.5E-04 5E-03 333 1.616 1.671
relu 128 2 5 0.1 6.5E-04 5E-03 152 1.541 1.674
relu 512 4 5 0.3 2.0E-04 1E-03 130 1.579 1.674
gelu 384 2 5 0.3 3.5E-04 5E-03 121 1.529 1.680
relu 256 4 6 0.1 8.0E-04 5E-03 98 1.477 1.680
gelu 512 2 3 0.1 3.5E-04 1E-03 64 1.611 1.694
relu 384 3 2 0.3 5.0E-04 5E-03 16 1.893 1.835
relu 256 4 3 0.4 3.5E-04 1E-03 16 1.921 1.875
relu 512 2 4 0.25 5.0E-04 5E-03 4 2.468 2.103
gelu 256 2 2 0.5 8.0E-04 1E-03 1 2.557 2.467
relu 256 2 2 0.25 3.5E-04 5E-03 1 2.537 2.471
relu 128 4 3 0.25 5.0E-04 5E-03 1 2.648 2.607
relu 128 4 4 0.5 8.0E-04 5E-03 1 2.647 2.614

All models trained with:

  • AdamW + AMSGrad, beta1 = 0.9 and beta2 = 0.999
  • ReduceLRonPlateau with 10 epochs of patience and scaling factor of 0.2.
  • Early stopping with 20 epochs of patience.
  • Vocabulary size = 27 (alphabet + start/end token) and block size = 15 (size of the largest names in the dataset).

Name samples
