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Reliable Operating System by Elisha Hollander Implemented Python

Warning Only works on Debian based distros

There is also a version for windows.

There is also a version for web, which is not recommended

There is no version for Android but you can install Pydroid and download the source code, open in Pydroid, then by running in the Pydroid terminal pip install pygame pyttsx3 pygame-gui Js2Py html2text markdown2 and pressing the play button on landscape mode you will enter Rosehip, from the programming apps only python, JavaScript and html are working on Android, and from the utilities only the Chrome app and the Camera app won't..

How to install:

Download the project from the releases section or go there directly, extract the folder (or just git clone) then:

Open command line in the folder

To install python: (skip it if you already have python)
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3.8
To install pip for python: (skip it if you already have pip)
sudo apt install python3-pip
To install requirements:
sudo apt install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to use it:

Open commad line in the folder then:


What can you do with it:

  • press HOME button to open the menu bar
  • press INSERT button to open the painter
    • scroll up and down to change the size of the brush
    • scroll up and down while holding ALT button to change the color of the brush
    • scroll up and down while holding CTRL button to change the shape of the brush

To do:

For developers:

if you want to use it as an .iso you can run another code I wrote

or you can either use the .iso builder for the windows version of Rosehip but it's currently having some issues, as specified is the README...

For extreme developers:

I recently added auto-support for any pygame app, open the master branch, the blade-runner in the util folder is an example for this method, run the patch file using:

patch blade_runner/ blade.patch

In the blade-runner folder to make the blade_runner app compatible.

(This was never tested...)