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Language grade: Python License: Apache 2.0 Python 3.8.8 PyTorch 1.9.1 Code style: black Imports: isort Linting: flake8 & pylint

All Contributors

Meta Learning for Everyone: Developing Few-shot Learning Models and Fast Reinforcement Learning Agents using PyTorch

This repository is a repository for the book "Meta-Learning for Everyone".


This repository is implemented and verified on python 3.8.15.

Installation and Usage

1. Install Anaconda

First, install Anaconda from the link below.

2. Create Anaconda envrionment

Second, follow the commands below to create a new python environment and activate the created environment.

(base) $ conda create -y -n meta python=3.8.8

(base) $ conda activate meta

(meta) $ conda env list

3. Install packages

Next, after cloning this repository, run the following command to install the required packages.

MacOS & Linux user

# User
(meta) $ make init

# Developer
(meta) $ make init-dev

Windows user

# User
(meta) $ "./scripts/window-init.bat"

4. Train models & Check results


For Meta-SL, move to each algorithm folder, run the algorithms using jupyter notebook, and check the results.

(meta) $ jupyter notebook

If you're using Colab, please refer to the Installation of Torchmeta in Colab guide to install Torchmeta.


For Meta-RL, move to each algorithm folder and run the commands below.

# RL^2
(meta) $ python

(meta) $ python

(meta) $ python

In the case of Meta-RL, please run the Tensorboard command below to check the results of the meta-training and meta-testing you executed.

(meta) $ tensorboard --logdir=./results

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Dongmin Lee

💻 📖

Seunghyun Lee

💻 📖

Luna Jang


Seungjae Ryan Lee


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!