a log-structured-merge-tree, implemented in pure node.js. GOATSCALE!!!
dedicated to @luk
Another goatscale db locket
var GoatDB = require('goatdb')
GoatDB('/tmp/goatdb-example').open(function (err, db) {
db.put('hello', 'I am a goat', function (err) {
db.put('whatevs', 'GOAT GOAT GOAT', function (err) {
db.get('hello', function (err, value) {
everything is just line separated json!
cat /tmp/goatdb-example/log-00000001.json
contains this.
{"key":"hello","value":"I am a goat","type":"put"}
{"key":"whatevs","value":"GOAT GOAT GOAT","type":"put"}
put more data in there and you'll get sst
files too.
- crude pass at the leveldown api.
- probably lots of bugs.
- add more goats
- be leveldown compatible
- contrive benchmarks that goatdb will do really well at.