cssFx is a standalone polyfill that inserts the vendor-specific CSS3 properties necessary for old and new browsers. This saves you tons of time, maintenance, and bandwidth!
Border radius, box shadow, flex box, RGBA, gradients, multiple columns, border image, transforms, transitions, opacity, inline-block, ellipsis, and more.
- Include a script tag in your source:
<script src="cssfx.min.js"></script>
- Give any external stylesheets you want processed the "cssfx" class:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="cssfx.css" class="cssfx">
- Firefox 3+
- Chrome 1+
- Internet Explorer 6+
- Safari 3+
- Opera 9+
- IE and other browsers variously remove either unknown properties or properties with unknown values. To guarantee that all properties are parsed, link your stylesheet externally.
- To prevent FOUC (flash of unstyled content), place cssfx.js immediately under the stylesheet tags
cssFx is provided under the BSD license. Commercial and personal use is permitted.
@keyframe support (0.9.3)convert sjax to ajax for external stylesheets (0.9.4)@keyframe intermediate keyframe support (0.9.5)- media query support (0.9.6)