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Repository files navigation YARD Doc Server is the next generation Ruby doc server, replacing http: and http: This doc server uses YARD to generate project documentation on the fly, for both published RubyGems as well as GitHub projects.

The public doc server is hosted at http:

Getting Started

This site is a public service and is community-supported. Patches and enhancements are welcome.

Running the doc server locally is easy:

git clone git:
bundle install
cp config/config.yaml.sample config/config.yaml
bundle exec rake gems:update
bundle exec rake server:start

This will start a daemonized process, you can stop the server with:

bundle exec rake server:stop

Running With Docker

If you have Docker installed, you can get started using docker-compose:

docker-compose up

Add -d to daemonize the process. To stop the server in daemonized mode, run docker-compose down.

Thanks was created by Loren Segal (YARD) and Nick Plante ( and is a project of DOCMETA, LLC. Additional help was provided by our friendly developer community. Pull requests welcome!

(c) 2019 DOCMETA LLC. This code is distributed under the MIT license.