The Livepeer API will act as a unified point of contact for Livepeer developers to perform queries, connect to websockets, run smart contract functions, and interact with nodes.
Version 1.0.0 of the Livepeer API can be found here:
The API will consist of two layers:
Layer 1: Data and WebSockets
Layer 1 will integrate all major Livepeer tools and access points. Platforms which are planned for integration include: the Livepeer SDK (for GET request functionality), Livepeer subgraph (for queries on transcoders, rewards, and rounds, and websockets on events), Livepeer studio (for staking alerts), and OpenMarketCap (or other token data feeds).
Layer 2: Nodes and Smart Contracts
Layer 2 will constitute the launch of full nodes running on both Mainnet and Ropsten with HTTP access. This will enable developers to immediately start building on a Livepeer node, without going through the potential roadblocks faced when launching a private node. In addition, this will enable broadcasters to use the Testnet nodes (and Mainnet nodes, if desired) as a way to quickly get up and running with the OBS integration.
How to Run the Unified Livepeer API locally
To run the subgraph, coingecko, and staking alerts endpoints, run the python library. This can be found in the livepeer-api-open-source/src-python folder.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Cd into src-python
cd livepeer-api/livepeer-api-open-source/src-python
- Run the Flask server
To run the livepeer sdk endpoints, run the Node library. This can be found in the livepeer-api-open-source/src-node folder.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Cd into src-node
cd livepeer-api/livepeer-api-open-source/src-node
- Install all node modules
- Run node package
npm run start