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Jest Snapshot serializer for Aphrodite. Based off the serializer from jest-glamor-react.

version MIT License

The problem

If you use aphrodite as your CSS-in-JS solution, and you use snapshot testing with jest then you probably have some test snapshots that look like:

  Hello World

And that's not super helpful from a styling perspective. Especially when there are changes to the class, you can see that it changed, but you have to look through the code to know what caused the class name to change.

This solution

This allows your snapshots to look more like:

.root {
  color: red !important;

.root:hover {
  color: green !important;

@media (min-width: 200px) {
  .root:hover {
    color: black !important;

  Hello World

This is much more helpful because now you can see the CSS applied and over time it becomes even more helpful to see how that changes over time.

This builds on the work from @MicheleBertoli in jest-styled-components and @kentcdodds in jest-glamor-react to bring a similar experience to React projects that use aphrodite.


Terminal Screenshot


This module is distributed via yarn or npm which is bundled with node and should be installed as one of your project's devDependencies:

yarn add --dev jest-aphrodite-react


npm install --save-dev jest-aphrodite-react


At the top of your test file:

import { aphroditeSerializer } from 'jest-aphrodite-react'; // or jest-aphrodite-react/no-important


Or in your Jest serializer config:

  snapshotSerializers: ['jest-aphrodite-react']; // or jest-aphrodite-react/no-important


createSerializer(getAphroditeStyleSheetUtils: () => StyleSheetUtils, [options]: SerializerOptions): jest.SnapshotSerializerPlugin

options: SerializerOptions:

Parameter Type default Description
removeVendorPrefixes boolean false removes vendor prefixed values from out. This greatly reduces the foot print of the output, but does decrease performance.
classNameReplacer (className: string, index: number) => string see src Callback to focus a new option; receives the option as a parameter.


import { StyleSheetTestUtils } from 'aphrodite';
import { createSerializer } from 'jest-aphrodite-react';

    () => StyleSheetTestUtils,
    { removeVendorPrefixes: true }

Other Examples

For environment setup set ./jestSetup.js and for test examples for both enzyme and react-test-renderer see ./src/serializer.test.tsx for createSerializer examples see ./src/serializerCustom.test.tsx


As mentioned earlier, @MicheleBertoli's jest-styled-components and @kentcdodds's jest-glamor-react were a huge inspiration for this project. And much of the original code came from from those MIT Licensed projects. Thank you so much Michele and Kent! 👏

Other Solutions

I'm unaware of other solutions. Please file a PR if you know of any!

Code of Conduct

Contributions of any kind welcome!