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Repository files navigation

Tool to pull list of files from the s3 downloads-dlang-org bucket and generate the appropriate index.html pages to allow the bucket to be used as a website.

Loads aws credentials and default region from ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config, i.e. where the aws-cli stores it's information. See Named Profiles - AWS Command Line Interface for more info.

How to build


How to generate

./src/build-gen-index --help
./src/build-gen-index --command <command>

Available commands:

  • s3_index: generate an index file of all files in the S3 bucket
  • folder_index <folder>: generate an index file of all files in a local folder
  • generate: generate the HTML index pages

Multiple commands can be combined

./src/build-gen-index --command s3_index --command generate

How to deploy

sync-ddo will generate the index and HTML files and deploy them to the S3 bucket:


If you deploy manually, make sure to generate an up-to-date index file (s3_index or folder_index) and respective HTML files before.