This is an implementation of hashcodes.f90 in Python. The source code for hashcodes.f90 is available from the ARRL QEX Additional Resources archive as part of the article "The FT4 and FT8 Communications Protocols" published in the July/August 2020 issue of QEX written by Steve Franke, K9AN, Bill Somerville, G4WJS (SK), and Joe Taylor, K1JT.
Run from the command line. Provide a callsign as an argument and it will provide the 10, 12, and 22 bit hashcodes as calculated by WSJT-X.
This can be useful to determine if two callsigns generate the same hash, which can result in what appears to be an incorrect decode.
Included in this repository is a small application using Flask that can be hosted on a website. A WSGI server is needed to host the application. My implementation uses nginx as the server and uWSGI as the WSGI interface.
I recommend reviewing and modifying the script before using it. This, along with some of the support files expect that the code will be run under /home/ubunbtu as it's root. You'll need to adjust that for your environment.