Solid Cable is a DB-based backend for Action Cable.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "solid_cable"
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install solid_cable
Now, you need to install the necessary migrations and configure Action Cable's adapter.
$ bin/rails generate solid_cable:install
If you want to install to a different database you can pass an env variable.
$ DATABASE=cable bin/rails generate solid_cable:install
Update config/cable.yml
to use the new adapter. connects_to is can be omitted
if you want to use the primary database.
default: &default
adapter: solid_cable
polling_interval: 1.second
<<: *default
silence_polling: true
writing: solid_cable_primary
reading: solid_cable_replica
adapter: test
<<: *default
polling_interval: 0.1.seconds
Finally, you need to run the migrations:
$ bin/rails db:migrate
By default messages are kept around forever. SolidCable ships with a job to
prune messages. You can run SolidCable::PruneJob.perform_later
which removes
Messages that are older than what is specified in keep_messages_around_for
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.