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David Lampert edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the PyHSPF wiki! The concept behind PyHSPF is to create a collaborative development environment for the integration of publically-available datasets and novel hydrologic modeling concepts into the HSPF model using the Python interpreter. The package has many existing utilities and examples that illustrate basic ideas required to build HSPF models and use them to infer information about water resources.

The "core" module is at the center of PyHSPF. The other modules work to build the data and associated structures used by the core module to run simulations. The core module translates information from Python to the HSPF library. If you are curious how PyHSPF does this, there is a new publication in Environmental Modelling & Software that describes the core module, the data integration tool for the National Hydrography Dataset Plus, and an example with an automatic calibration:

Development of an open-source software package for watershed modeling with the Hydrological Simulation Program in Fortran

If you do not have access to the article and want a copy, just send me an email. Here is a link to a presentation that describes PyHSPF given at DePy 2015, a conference on Python for data analysis and machine learning:


Questions and suggestions are always welcome!

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