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Sparse Representation Algorithms

CircleCI Coverage Documentation

Python solvers for P0- and P1-problems.

  1. P0-epsilon problem: min_z ||z||_0 s.t. ||Az - x|| < eps
  2. P1-epsilon problem: min_z ||z||_1 s.t. ||Az - x|| < eps
  3. Q1-epsilon problem: min_z ||Az - x||^2 + λ||z||_1

where z is a sparse representation of the input x, and A is a dictionary matrix (either fixed or learned).

Documentation is available at

The theoretical foundations of the implemented functional are in edX course Sparse Representations in Signal and Image Processing.


Coherence of a matrix

  • Mutual Coherence
  • Babbel Function
  • Spark of a matrix

Solving P0- and P1-epsilon problems with a fixed dictionary

  • Greedy algorithms, approximating the P0-problem:
    • Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP)
    • Least Squares OMP (LS-OMP)
    • Matching Pursuit (MP)
    • Weak Matching Pursuit (WMP)
    • Thresholding Algorithm (THR)
  • Relaxation algorithms, approximating the P0-problem:
    • Basis Pursuit (L1-relaxation)
    • Basis Pursuit + ADMM
    • Iterative Shrinkage Algorithm (ISTA, Fast ISTA)

Dictionary learning

  • BasisPursuit dictionary learning (similar to MOD)
  • Learned Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (LISTA)

sparse.nn module contains PyTorch implementation of the listed above algorithms.

Quick start example

Fixed dictionary

Reproduce with edX/finproj/

To illustrate an example with a fixed dictionary, we

  1. simulate an image x of size n x n, constructed with bars;
  2. add noise and corrupt the image -> x_noisy;
  3. generate a fixed dictionary matrix A of size n^2 x m (m >> n^2) with random bars as atoms (columns);
  4. reconstruct x' from x_noisy by seeking the sparsest vector z such that Az ≈ x.

Learned dictionary

Start a Visdom server and run the examples with

$ python -m visdom.server
$ python sparse/examples/

Then navigate to localhost:8097 to see the training progress.

The "output sparsity" is the sparsity of the embedding vector from which the original image is reconstructed.


More examples are on http: Choose environments with MatchingPursuit.


$ git clone
$ cd sparse-representation
$ pip install -e .[extra]

Extra requirements install PyTorch for sparse.nn module.