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CKEditor plugin for the Divvun grammar checker, with a simple webdemo.


If you’re serving /var/www/html with apache/nginx/whathaveyou, you can do e.g.

sudo mkdir /var/www/html/ck-demo
sudo cp -r lib index.html ./*.css locales ck-plugins /var/www/html/ck-demo

to have the demo running under location/ck-demo.

If you want to use the plugin in your own ck-editor, it should be enough to put the ck-plugins folder on your server, and

CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('divvungc', window.location.href + '/ck-plugins/divvungc/', 'plugin.js');
CKEDITOR.replace( 'ckeditor', {
  extraPlugins: 'divvungc'

(possibly prepending a subdir to the /ck-plugins/ path if you put it in a subdir)

Currently the server wants username/password. The plugin reads it from window.localStorage["userpass"]. See src/app.js’s readLoginFormStoring on how to set it in localStorage.


  • [ ] Strip zero width characters
  • [ ] Maybe use jquip instead of jquery
  • [ ] Remove all the login/username stuff …