Some random tools for my desktop environment that don't justify their own
packaging. Build and run with --help
to get usage hints.
A tiny tool/library to paste to -- yes, as was pointed out to me,
it's one line of curl
Documentation for the ix module as generated from the source.
ix [optional-params] files to paste to ix
get, put, post, delete pastes at
Options(opt-arg sep :|=|spc):
-h, --help print this cligen-erated help
--help-syntax advanced: prepend,plurals,..
--version bool false print version
-n=, --name= string "stdin" default name of the input stream
-x, --xclip bool true stuff output urls into clipboard
-e=, --extension= string "nim" filename extension for content
-r=, --reads= int 0 remove after N reads; 0 to disable
-g=, --get= string "" retrieve a paste by id
-p=, --put= string "" update an existing paste identifier
-d=, --delete= string "" remove the given paste immediately
-u=, --username= string "" username for authentication
--password= string "" password for authentication
-l=, --log-level= Level lvlNotice specify Nim logging level
This is a little tool that I primarily use to reposition floating browser windows precisely so that their toolbars are off-screen and their dimensions are set exactly; some video players misbehave stupidly at magical size thresholds.
These particular requirements can usually be handled via sway config, but this is a more general solution that I expect to grow more useful, and it's a good demo for the swayipc library.
Documentation for the geometry module as generated from the source.
This irc bot relays messages as d-bus notifications and knows how to combine multiple consecutive messages from the same user and strip bridge prefixes. It also avoids notifications when my irc window is focussed.
I mostly made this for interfacing with Twitch after watching @Araq struggle to keep abreast of chat comments while streaming.
Documentation for the bot module as generated from the source.
This is another little demo of swayipc that I use to make my out-of-focus terminal windows more translucent and vice-versa, as I don't use title bars or borders and otherwise have few visual cues to indicate focus.
Documentation for the autoopacity module as generated from the source.
A deprecated solution to the above problem which uses IPC to tell Kitty to change the background color of its window. It should be obvious why I replaced this with swayipc and autoopacity.
Documentation for the kittycolor module as generated from the source.
A quick hack to test Google's Search API from the command-line.
googleSearch [optional-params] [keywords: string...]
Options(opt-arg sep :|=|spc):
-h, --help print this cligen-erated help
--help-syntax advanced: prepend,plurals,..
-f=, --fields= string "items" set fields
-s=, --searchType= SearchType set searchType
-i=, --imgDominantColor= DominantColor set imgDominantColor
--imgSize= ImageSize set imgSize
--imgType= ImageType photo set imgType
--imgColorType= ColorType set imgColorType
--fileType= string "" set fileType
-n=, --num= uint 0 set num
--sort= string "" set sort
-r=, --rights= set(RightsType) {} include 1 val in rights
A hack to attentuate the PulseAudio stream volume of the focused window.