A process of identifying a boundary polygon for working with satellite data over Africa
To run this process you need Python 3 with Shapely and Fiona installed and either wget or to manually download the Natural Earth admin 0 countries dataset.
To run the process with Make, do the following:
make get-natural-earth
(downloads the source data)make extract-africa-hull
(extracts Africa and creates a buffered convex hull).
And to extract the CSV of MGRS tiles, do:
make extract-mgrs-codes
- Africa is defined as features that have "REGIONS_UN = Africa" in the NE dataset
- The African areas are unioned, then a convex hull is created
- This resulting convex hull is buffered by 1 degree
- Some areas are excluded, see exclusions.json.
The derived dataset africa-extent.json is derived from Natural Earth, which is in the public domain, see: https://www.naturalearthdata.com/about/.