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Icomoon Converter

Icomoon Converter

Icomoon project to SASS / SVG converter.
Instant import icons into your project.

English | Русский

Release version TypeScript MIT License


  • Export icons to SASS/SCSS file or SVG sprite
  • Change the name, type and formatting of output file on the fly
  • Written in TypeScript


npm i digikid/icomoon-converter --global --install-links


Navigate to Icomoon folder containing selection.json file and run the command:

cd path/to/icomoon/project

After conversion the output file will be saved in the source directory.


Option Default value Description
-n, --name icomoon Output file name
-f, --format scss Output file format (scss | sass | svg)
-i, --indent 2 Output file indent size (<number> | tab)
-t, --type map SASS file type (map | var)
-q, --quotes single SASS file quotes type (single | double)
-m, --map icons SASS map name


Depending on the output file format, you can use converter in two ways:

SASS (variables)

icomoon-converter -t var

To use variables import output file to your SASS project. The name of each variable corresponds to the icon code.

import 'icons';

.awesome-icon {
  content: $awesome-icon;
  // ...

SASS (map)

SASS map is generated by default if the -t option is not passed:


To work with a SASS map, in addition to importing a file, you will need to use auxiliary mixins:

import 'icons';

$icomoon-font-family: 'icomoon';

@mixin icomoon-base {
    font-family: $icomoon-font-family !important;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    line-height: 1;
    text-transform: none;
    text-rendering: auto;
    speak: none;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

@mixin icomoon($icon, $position: before, $replace: false) {
    @if $replace {
        font-size: 0;

    &:#{$position} {
        content: map-get($icons, $icon);

        @include icomoon-base();

        @if $replace {
            font-size: 1rem;


You can add icons using their codes as a parameter for icomoon mixin:

.awesome-icon {
  @include icomoon(awesome-icon) {
    // ...

SVG sprite

icomoon-converter -t svg

Import output file in your HTML and insert icons with following code:

<svg class="awesome-icon">
    <use xlink:href="#awesome-icon"></use>


Команда Описание
config Update settings
help Display usage guide
restore Restore settings to default
version Print current package version

Update settings

Settings are saved locally and applied on all subsequent launches.

For settings update, run config command:

icomoon-converter config

You can restore settings to default with restore command:

icomoon-converter restore


The help command displays a help section with a list of available options and commands list:

icomoon-converter help


You can check installed package version with version command:

icomoon-converter version


The MIT License (MIT)