William Monroe (futurulus)
This repository contains all of my working files for Meru: Building a Virtual City, part of the 2011 CURIS summer research program at Stanford University. It consists mainly of four types of files:
- Source
- Scripts to run in the Sirikata virtual world platform, the subject of the summer's research. Scripts are mostly in Emerson (*.em), a superset of JavaScript than can be read by the Sirikata client (object host). The occasional source file describing a user interface is written in pure JavaScript (*.js).
- Meshes
- Final meshes for Sirikata are in the COLLADA interchange format (*.dae); working project files are in various other 3D model formats, most commonly Google SketchUp (*.skp) and Blender (*.blend).
- Images and other media
- Includes screenshots, screencasts, and images used to texture models.
- Text documentation and notes
- My own notes, copies of tutorials I've written for the wiki (in MediaWiki markup -- see, the first draft and final draft of my research poster, and other information in textual form.
The files in this repository are very much drafts; they are not guaranteed to be correct, and even those which are correct now (25 Aug 2011) will almost certainly become outdated very quickly.
While I hope the Emerson scripts in particular will be useful as examples, the usual disclaimer applies: the files in this repository come with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, to the extent permitted by law. See the file COPYING for details about licensing.