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Kakawa RAG API

Offline Stack Test Online Stack Test

The document retrieval API for Kakawa, a product-support bot that efficiently responds to questions given any documentation. It can run online with cutting-edge AI models, or offline on regular hardware. It can also be integrated with existing platforms such as WhatsApp.

This service leverages LlamaIndex to perform efficient Augmented Retrieval Generation (RAG) queries, which are state-of-the-art techniques for using AI to respond to questions from pre-loaded documents.

Evaluation-driven-development is guaranteed by the RAGAS automatic evaluation framework, alongside LangFuse dashboard for monitoring and manual evaluation.


Offline first

The API is designed to work with both local and cloud-based models for generating embeddings and reponses, ensuring adaptability for different environments. Locally, it supports Ollama for calling Large Language Models (LLMs) and fastembed for local embeddings. For cloud services, it integrates with OpenAI which include advanced models like GPT-3-Turbo and GPT-4, to provide fast and robust language understanding, and OpenAI's and Cohere embedding models.

RAGAS evaluations can run both online and offline, although it's highly recommended to run online with advance models such as GPT-4 for better results.

The monitoring dashboard, LangFuse, can be self-hosted and runs well offline. A free to use cloud hosted version is also available.

Core Components

  • LlamaIndex: Sets up with the OpenAI or Ollama model and integrates with LangFuse for logging and RAGAS for evaluation.
  • Embedding Model: Selects and configures the embedding model.
  • Vector Store: Initializes the documents and indexes them using Qdrant.
  • Indexing and Querying: Builds an index from documents and creates a query engine for document retrieval.
  • Evaluation and Tracing: Outlines the evaluation setup with RAGAS and includes provisions for LangFuse tracing.
  • API Endpoints: Uses FastAPI for generating an API and documentation.

Dependencies for this script are managed by Poetry and are specified in the pyproject.toml file. Sensitive keys and configurations are stored in an .env file, which is not included in version control as indicated by the .gitignore file.


Running locally

In order to run the full stack locally you'll need to have QDrant, Ollama and LangFuse installed and running. You can run them all using Docker and docker-compose, skip to the section for details.

Running on the cloud

To use the QDrant, OpenAI and LangFuse cloud platforms, follow these steps:

OpenAI Cloud

  • Sign up for an OpenAI account at
  • After signing up, navigate to the API section to obtain your API key
  • Update the .env file with your OpenAI API key by setting the OPENAI_API_KEY variable

QDrant Cloud

  • Sign up for a QDrant cloud account at
  • Obtain your API key and QDrant URL
  • Update the .env file with your QDrant API key and URL

LangFuse Cloud

  • Sign up for a LangFuse cloud account at
  • Obtain your public and secret keys
  • Update the .env file with your LangFuse public and secret keys, and set the LANGFUSE_HOST to the cloud URL

Using Python and Poetry

Before starting, make sure you've set up the stack locally or on the cloud, and added the keys and URLs to the .env file.

Make sure to have Python and Poetry installed. To run the API follow these steps:

  1. Run cp .env.example .env and ensure all the required environment variables are set.
  2. Install all dependencies using Poetry by running poetry install.
  3. Activate the virtual environment created by Poetry with poetry shell.
  4. Run the app with uvicorn app.main:app, add the --reload flag for development.

This will start a server on port 8000, you can test the API with curl:

curl -X 'GET' \
  'http:' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

FastAPI automatically provides swagger documentation and interactive documentation.

Using Docker

Alternatively, if you are using Docker:

  1. Build the Docker image with docker build -t kakakwa-rag-api .
  2. Run the Docker container with docker run --env-file .env -v ./docs:/usr/src/app/docs --network host kakakwa-rag-api

To run the full stack (QDrant, Ollama and LangFuse) use docker-compose:

  1. Ensure all the required environment variables are set in the .env file.
  2. Start the service with docker-compose up, or just desired services such as docker-compose up langfuse-server langfuse-db.


Further exploration


RAG API micro-service for Kakawa Bot






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