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What is Screenly OSE Monitoring?

Philipp Hörauf edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 4 revisions


With Screenly OSE you can turn Raspberry Pis into a digital signage solutions. You have to manage each player individually and therefore have no good control over multiple devices. In addition, you don't know what the devices are really displaying at the moment or whether they are online or not.


The Screenly OSE Monitoring provides an overview of all devices you want to manage in one central web-interface. In addition to displaying whether the devices are online or offline, you can also access and manage the devices directly. The monitoring is installed on only one device and all other players are then managed via a simple interface. It's also possible to install the whole system as a standalone server. Additionally, there is the possibility to install an add-on on the respective players, which makes it possible to send the current image of the HDMI output back to the web interface and some important system information like CPU, RAM, Storage or temperature of the device. This way you always have an overview of what the Screenly OSE players are currently displaying.
