dont read
✓ no anime 😃 (pls dont kill me)
✓ minimalistic
✓ usable
OS: Arch Linux
Shell: zsh
WM: bspwm
Bar: polybar
GTK Theme: Matcha Dark Azul (most my color scheme based on this)
Icon Theme: Papirus Dark
Terminal: Alacritty
Launcher: Ulauncher
Editor: Visual Studio Code and some Jetbrains IDE's
sxhkd for keybinds
i3lock-color for lockscreen
feh to set desktop bg & image viewer
dunst notifications
picom compositor
flameshot screenshoting
- flameshot-uploader utility that allows you to use SXCU (ShareX Custom Uploader) files
powerlevel10k prompt
ohmyzsh I dont want to use this but its a pain to get stuff working and im lazy
simp1e cursor theme
Spotify music
Edge browser
Nautilus/Gnome Files file viewer
Jetbrains Mono Nerd font as a monospace font
Ubuntu Font as a normal system-wide font