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An API for creating, viewing users and meetings.
Deployed Link




  • A user registration endpoint
  • Method - POST
  • Request body example: {"username" : "TestUser"}
  • Response example on status 201 (resource created ): {"message": "User saved", "uid": "61bb0de9d2a1af7ec3742ef1"}
  • Does not allow users with same username ( i.e. no duplicate users )
  • Bad Request Example: { "username" : "TestUser" }
  • Response for above request ( TestUser already exists ) : { "error": "Duplicate Resource" }


  • Returns a list of all users as json
  • Method - GET
  • Response example on status 200 (OK) : [ { "uid": "61badac09c34b399e292c912", "username": "Test" }, { "uid": "61bae155a3ad3c8186920cb4", "username": "Test2" }, { "uid": "61bb0de9d2a1af7ec3742ef1", "username": "TestName" } ]


  • A meeting setup end point
  • Method - POST
  • Request Body example: { "uid1":"61badac09c34b399e292c912", "uid2":"61bae155a3ad3c8186920cb4", "date": "2021:12:29" }
  • Response on status 201 : { "meeting_uid": "61bb113bd2a1af7ec3742ef7" }
  • References user therefore not possible to create a meeting for users that are not registered
  • Bad Request example: { "uid1":"61badac09c34b399e292c913", "uid2":"61bae155a3ad3c8186920cb4", "date": "2021:12:29" }
  • Response if such request issued: { "error": "No user with uid: 61badac09c34b399e292c913 found"} with status 400. Here this uid does not have a corresponding user
  • A meeting cannot have same users
  • Bad Request example: { "uid1":"61bae155a3ad3c8186920cb4", "uid2":"61bae155a3ad3c8186920cb4", "date": "2021:12:29" }
  • Response if such a request is issued: { "error": "A meeting with two same users is not possible" } with status 400.


  • Returns all meetings info along with user info in those meetings
  • Method - GET
  • Response body on status 200 : [ { "meeting_uid": "61bb06cc589cf9c365e72aa3", "Date": "2021:12:29", "user1": { "uid": "61bae155a3ad3c8186920cb4", "username": "Test2" }, "user2": { "uid": "61badac09c34b399e292c912", "username": "Test" } }, { "meeting_uid": "61bb113bd2a1af7ec3742ef7", "Date": "2021:12:29", "user1": { "uid": "61badac09c34b399e292c912", "username": "Test" }, "user2": { "uid": "61bae155a3ad3c8186920cb4", "username": "Test2" } } ]


  • Returns user info for username given as request parameter
  • Method - GET
  • Response example with status 200 : { "uid": "61badac09c34b399e292c912", "username": "Test" } for /users/Test
  • Returns {} if the requested user does not exist


  • Updates the date of a meeting
  • Method - PATCH
  • Request body example: { "meeting_id":"61bb06cc589cf9c365e72aa3", "date":"2022:01:10" }
  • Response for the above request with status (200) : { "message": "Date updated successfully" }

NOTE: Every end point has request data validator and throws an appropirate error for bad requests

Run project locally

  • Create a fork and clone the fork to your local system: git clone<your-username>/user-meeting-api.git
  • Run : cd user-meeting-api/
  • Run : yarn install
  • Open a new terminal window and start a local mongo server instance : In your terminal type : mongod
  • Start the express server using initial terminal: yarn start
  • Check Api status on http:https://localhost:3000/
  • Base URL : http:https://localhost:3000/
  • The above guide assumes node.js, yarn and mongodb installed on your machine



zod : Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.

  • Declare a validator once and Zod will automatically infer the static TypeScript type.
  • Developer friendly
  • Zero dependencies

cors : Provides shorthand to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

morgan : For easy logging

dotenv : To load environment variable from a .env file

ts-node : Lets us run TypeScript files directly from the shell as ts-node

To use deployed link for making requests:


An API for creating, viewing users and meetings







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