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App Hub for DHIS 2



Branch Environment URL Build status
next staging app-hub staging
master production app-hub production

Getting started

Docker Compose

See docs in dhis2/docker-compose/app-hub.

Local Installation

  1. Install dependencies with yarn install
  2. Copy server/.env.template to server/.env (cp server/.env.template server/.env) and edit server/.env. For development, your config will probably look something like:
  3. Create database tables with yarn db:migrate.
  4. Seed the database with yarn db:seed


yarn start

Reset database

yarn db:reset

Backend config file

The backend config file server/.env contains credentials for the database, AWS S3 bucket and Auth0.

Available options are documented in .env.template.

See server/knexfile.js to specify which database connections/credentials or server to use depending on the value of process.env.NODE_ENV.

Frontend config

The frontend needs to know some basic information about the server to configure routes and API endpoints. This is located in client/default.config.js.

You can rename or copy this file to override the settings.

Config files are loaded in the following order:

  1. default.config.js
  2. config.js

Environment specific configurations are also supported, and are loaded if process.env.NODE_ENV is set to either development or production.

  • development.config.js
  • production.config.js

Note that the exported objects from each config file are merged with the previous, so any options not changed are kept from the previous config.

Note: If you make any changes, you will need to rebuild or restart webpack-dev-server for the changes to take effect.

Example Development Config

// development.config.js

module.exports = {
    api: {
        baseURL: 'https://localhost:3000/api/',
        redirectURL: 'https://localhost:3000/user',
    routes: {
        baseAppName: '',
Base app name

This is the basename of where the app is located, used by routes. If it's hosted at https://localhost:3000/someUrl this should be someUrl otherwise leave empty.

routes.baseAppName: ''

The endpoint of the backend API to be used.

api.baseURL: 'https://localhost:3000/api/',
API Redirect URL

The URL to be used when auth0 has successfully logged in a user, and is redirected back to the page. Note that this URL needs to be whitelisted on the auth0 side aswell.

api.redirectURL: 'https://localhost:3000/user/'

Run the project

yarn start will start both the frontend and backend.

Frontend available at localhost:8080. Web API available at localhost:3000/api/v1.

Swagger UI available at localhost:3000/documentation Swagger specs available at localhost:3000/swagger.json

Clone the existing production App Hub (approved/published apps) to your own local App Hub

yarn start

and then in another terminal:

yarn run clone


This application is automatically released when merging into controlled branches.

  • The next branch is deployed to staging.
  • The master branch is deployed to production.

So: all work should be merged to next, and then next is merged to master when we decide to cut a release.

Report an issue

The issue tracker can be found in DHIS2 JIRA under the HUB project.

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