Everyone loves Matt LeBlanc. He's charming, handsome, and a very talented particle physicist! But the last part is giving Matt trouble. Particle physicists have themselves in a bundle over this whole ''deep learning'' thing, you see. And Matt doesn't get it. But he has to get it, cause it's not going away and Matt is too young to start acting like a grumpy old man.
Matt needs to learn to train a neural network. Not a very good neural network---he has graduate students to do that. But he needs to understand the worlflow, the ideas, and most importantly he needs enough background to avoid falling for buzzword-first design principles.
This is a tutorial to teach Matt what he needs to know.
Matt is an accomplished particle physicist. He already knows about:
- The ATLAS xAOD EDM, git, ASG tools
- Jet labels, calibration, all the physics
- C++, python, numpy
He might need to learn a few things, but he doesn't have time to learn much. So we'll keep it to minimal use of:
- hdf5
- Keras
- matplotlib
Matt isn't happy that there are so many trendy new packages in this list, but as long as we keep him using the few features he actually needs he'll manage.
As a final note: the latter set of dependencies are non-standard in the ATLAS workflow but are very common in the data science world and are easy to install with standard installation tools like pip
. As such Matt will factorize things: first he'll produce data files on lxplus, then he'll run the training on his laptop or some other system with minimal dependencies on "HEP" tools.
We're also going to force Matt to use Python 3. Why? First off, it is the future: Python 2 will be deprecated very soon. But beyond that, Matt already has 15 conflicting package managers for Python 2, so the Python 2 installation on his laptop is a smoking pile of garbage. But it's a pile of garbage where he got PyROOT working, so he can't afford to break it. The key is that Python 2 and Python 3 are different packages from a package management point of view: we can play around with Python 3 without breaking anything in Python 2.
Matt has the best grad students, but they keep screwing up the data pipeline. They make it too complicated! Sure, maybe DxAOD -> TinyxAOD -> PhysicsNtuple -> miniTinyNtuple -> HDF5 -> pickled numpy got the job done, but now his paper is in approval and Dr Angrybeard wants to make some "trivial" check that requires rerunning everything! Not cool!
Matt wishes that his students had just produced their training dataset directly from the DxAOD, so that this would be an easy one-step process. This also gives us a nice example that will work outside your analysis group.
All the code to dump stuff lives in atlas-sw
. Again, we want to separate "ATLAS" things from "ML" things. First we'll grab a simulated sample to work with.
rucio get --nrandom 1 <your-favorite-flavor-tagging-derivation>
Or for the truly lazy
cd atlas-sw
Now Matt needs to build the dumping tool. Fortunately, there's already an example sitting in atlas-sw
. He can build it with
cd atlas-sw
source dumpxAOD/setup.sh
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../dumpxAOD
source x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt/setup.sh
and then run it with
dump-xaod <path-to-xaod>
This should produce an output file called output.h5
. What the hell is that? Well, let's check:
h5ls -v output.h5
which gives something like this:
Opened "output.h5" with sec2 driver.
jets Dataset {140365/Inf}
Location: 1:800
Links: 1
Chunks: {2048} 24576 bytes
Storage: 1684380 logical bytes, 748544 allocated bytes, 225.02% utilization
Filter-0: deflate-1 OPT {7}
Type: struct {
"rnnip_log_ratio" +0 native float
"jf_sig" +4 native float
"HadronConeExclExtendedTruthLabelID" +8 native int
} 12 bytes
This tells that output.h5
contains a dataset called jets
, which contains roughly 140k jets. The other useful field is Type
which says that we're storing a few fields, some as native float
(these are the discriminants) and some as native int
(these are labels). Also try h5ls -dl output.h5
Looking in dumpxAOD
, there are only a few files: in util
there's a simple for loop over the events, and in Root
there's a tool JetWriter
which is called by the dumper loop.
The training part takes place outside any ATLAS environment. Nothing we're doing here depends on ROOT, so setup should be easy. All this code lives in local-sw
Assuming Matt is on his laptop, he should be able to install everything with
brew install python3
pip3 install keras h5py matplotlib tensorflow
If this takes longer than 30 seconds something is wrong.
Hold on! Matt knows better than to train a neural network before he's even made a histogram. Fortunately we have a few short scripts to look at the dataset. First he downloads the output.h5
file to the data/
directory. Then he runs
./make_hists.py data/output.h5
./make_roc_curves.py data/output.h5
This creates a directory called plots/
with a few plots to look at. (You can read these scripts, they aren't very long.) Most importantly we see that we have several good discriminants for b vs light separation.
But maybe we can do better. To train a very simple neural network, Matt runs
./train_nn.py data/output.h5
This should take less than a minute, because it's an extremely simple network: one layer with two inputs and three output classes (basically logistic regression). The resulting network is stored in the model/
directory, in two parts: architecture and weights. Both are easy to inspect: the architecture is a text file, while the weights can be dumped with h5ls
Finally, Matt wants to check the performance. Both of the plotting scripts (make_roc_curves.py
and make_hists.py
) take an --nn <arch> <weights>
argument. The NN should work slightly better than the discriminants alone.
Of course we don't want to stop with slightly better, but to make a better network we'll need more inputs, more layers, and other fancy things which would detract from this example.
Now that Matt has a trained network, he needs to apply it everywhere. Maybe he just wants to run it over every jet in his analysis selection, or maybe he wants to put it into the derivation framework, or maybe he wants to use it in the high-level trigger. The good news is that applying a trained network is a lot faster than training it, so all these things are feasible.
But if Matt wants to run his network on a hundred grid sites, tier-0, and in 4 different software frameworks, he's not going to ask everyone to install Keras and Python 3. Matt is polite, you see. He can do whatever he wants on his laptop, but he doesn't want to be "that guy" who adds a 10th circle to the hell that is ATLAS software dependencies. That would be rude, and Matt, like any good Canadian, will have none of that.
So Matt needs to port his network into a simple C++ tool. We'll use lwtnn, which only depends on a few libraries that ATLAS already uses.
After cloning lwtnn and adding lwtnn/converters
to his $PATH
Matt runs
cd model
kerasfunc2json.py architecture.json weights.h5 variables.json > lwtnn-network.json
This dumps the full configuration of his trained network into a JSON file.
Now he can copy this back to lxplus and verify that it runs in ATLAS-friendly code. A tool to apply the network is implemented in this repository, under
It's a very simple wrapper over lwtnn. Matt can use it to decorate jets by calling
./x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt/bin/dump-xaod <path-to-xaod> --nn-file lwtnn-network.json
Again, we can use h5ls -dl outputs.h5
to check the outputs. There should be three new variables, corresponding to the neural network outputs.
Of course we want to verify that lwtnn and Keras are doing exactly the same thing. Finally, Matt gets to do a cutflow! With himself! He downloads the new output.h5
file to his laptop and runs
./validate_nn.py data/output.h5 -n model/architecture.json model/weights.h5
Which should produce something like
most significant differences: [-1.17346644e-07 -1.81607902e-07 ... -1.17346644e-07]
Note that these are all O(10e-7), i.e. on the scale of roundoff errors. Kabloomers!
There's still a bunch of work left to do, but fortunately we've done all this before, see BoostedJetTaggers for a lot more examples.