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Releases: dgets/lasttime

Numerous bug fixes

03 Feb 01:53
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This release holds all of the features of the last release, along with the graphing glory, but incorporates numerous bug fixes and too many minor changes to count. I suppose I should probably start taking somewhat better notes on these things. For now, let's just say that it's an improvement upon the last release as far as bugfixes, maybe some minor feature additions, but there's not really a whole lot for additional functionality. Feel free to go back through the commits for the past 25 days if you're really interested in finding out exactly what has changed. ;)

Oh I did just remember one major improvement. There are fixtures now, for initial population of important bootstrapping parts of the database for starting a new instance or situations which require wiping the pre-existing database.

I will promise to try to keep better notes on these things in the future, though.

Dataview graphing is completed

09 Jan 13:13
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Finally, the polished SVG graphs of dosage amounts and intervals between administrations have been properly added. No more working with those nasty horizontal bar graphs that were easy to add with the HTML tables; these ones are properly oriented, with axis labeling and the whole 9 yards.

There probably is more polish that I'll be adding to this, but for now I'm going to be focusing more on the extrapolation of more of the advanced information from the available data. This is definitely a useful application, at this point, and it's nice enough to use, so more features before more polishing and layout.

This release offers:

  • manually entered medication details
  • manually recorded medication administrations
  • dataview tabulation and graphing of dosage amounts and intervals between administrations

More tabulated data; rudimentary dosage graphing added

08 Jan 19:55
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On top of the information for the previous release, this version now adds the longest & shortest interval duration to the tabulated data in the detailed data view, along with a very rudimentary graphing of the dosage amounts.

Finally we've got some useful data processing implemented

01 Jan 15:04
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After much work learning Django, and struggling to get the rust off of my knowledge of python (while adding a bit more to the original base), I think that things are ready here for an alpha release. This release is lacking a whole load of features that the original will have; ie it doesn't have support for individual users, no graphing, no metabolite level projection, etc. However, what is provided in the dataview app of this project (after recording appropriate medications/substances and the administrations thereof), is finally useful, to an extent. You can get an idea about some of your dosage habits and variances, if nothing else.

Hopefully it won't take nearly so long to get the rest of the features out. I think I've learned enough Django to be able to do what I need now, the main issue slowing me down will be learning a good graphing library, integrating with the JavaScript, and coding the half-life and adipose dispersal rate algorithms.