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This repo is used to share sample configurations for implementing Aodbe Experience Manager with Mongodb.

When to use MongoDB with AEM

MongoDB will typically be used for supporting AEM author deployments where one of the following criteria is met:

More than 1000 unique users per day;
More than 100 concurrent users;
High volumes of page edits;
Large rollouts or activations.

The criteria above are only for the author instances and not for any publish instances which should all be TarMK based. The number of users refers to authenticated users, as author instances do not allow unauthenticated access.

If the criteria are not met, then a TarMK active/standby deployment is recommended to address availability. Generally, MongoDB should be considered in situations where the scaling requirements are more than what can be achieved with a single item of hardware.


  • cq-quickstart-6.3.0.jar (AEM Jar)
  • (Adobe Licence)
  • Mongodb binary


  • Create a direcorty named 'aem-mongodb-replica'

  • Copy 'cq-quickstart-6.3.0.jar' and '' to the directory

  • Download Mongodb binary from or copy from installed directory (bin)

    eg:- 'C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4'

  • Create a folder named 'mongodb' inside the directory 'aem-mongodb-replica'

  • Copy the 'bin' directory to the 'mongodb' eg:- C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin

  • Copy 'mongod.cfg','mongod_arb0','mongod_rp0','mongod_rp1' to the'mongodb' directory

  • Create following directory for saving logs mongodb/logs/arb0 mongodb/logs/rp0 mongodb/logs/rp1

  • Create following data directory
    mongodb/aem6_cluster/arb0 mongodb/aem6_cluster/node0 mongodb/aem6_cluster/node1

  • Open CMD on 'mongodb/bin' directory and run the following command

    mongod --config ../mongod_rp0.cfg

  • Open CMD on 'mongodb/bin' directory and run the following command

    mongod --config ../mongod_rp1.cfg

  • Open CMD on 'mongodb/bin' directory and run the following command

    mongod --config ../mongod_arb0.cfg

  • Open CMD on 'mongodb/bin' directory and run the following command

    mongo rs.initiate(rsconf = {_id: "aem6", members: [{_id: 0, host: "localhost:27017"}]}) rs.add("localhost:27018") rs.addArb("localhost:27019") rs.status()

  • Open CMD on 'aem-mongodb-replica' and enter the following command

java -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -jar cq-quickstart-6.3.0.jar -p 4502 -r crx3,crx3mongo -Doak.mongo.uri=mongodb:https://localhost:27017,localhost:27018


To test out the fault tolerance, just ctl+c the mongo instance and watch the AEM driver switch to the elected PRIMARY.

Mongo replica sets must have an odd number of members. An arbiter is not required, but it allows you to have nicely divisible replica sets.

  • Open CMD on 'mongodb/bin' directory and run the following command

    mongo rs.status()

    You can see the similar output.

        "members" : [
                 "_id" : 0,
                 "name" : "localhost:27017",
                 "health" : 1,
                 "state" : 1,
                 "stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
                 "uptime" : 151,
                 "optime" : {
                         "ts" : Timestamp(1523365971, 1),
                         "t" : NumberLong(11)
                 "optimeDate" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:12:51Z"),
                 "infoMessage" : "could not find member to sync from",
                 "electionTime" : Timestamp(1523365862, 1),
                 "electionDate" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:11:02Z"),
                 "configVersion" : 3,
                 "self" : true
                 "_id" : 1,
                 "name" : "localhost:27018",
                 "health" : 1,
                 "state" : 2,
                 "stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
                 "uptime" : 98,
                 "optime" : {
                         "ts" : Timestamp(1523365971, 1),
                         "t" : NumberLong(11)
                 "optimeDurable" : {
                         "ts" : Timestamp(1523365971, 1),
                         "t" : NumberLong(11)
                 "optimeDate" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:12:51Z"),
                 "optimeDurableDate" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:12:51Z"),
                 "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:12:52.526Z"),
                 "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:12:52.541Z"),
                 "pingMs" : NumberLong(0),
                 "syncingTo" : "localhost:27017",
                 "configVersion" : 3
                 "_id" : 2,
                 "name" : "localhost:27019",
                 "health" : 1,
                 "state" : 7,
                "stateStr" : "ARBITER",
                 "uptime" : 145,
                 "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:12:52.827Z"),
                 "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2018-04-10T13:12:49.103Z"),
                 "pingMs" : NumberLong(0),
                 "configVersion" : 3


Simple configurations to run AEM author instance on Mongodb







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